"Ask "....
If I were Obama was pulling even a "reflexioncita." Find few minutes to answer. I would not say never, arrogant, and often great answer, that Cuba is a matter of second or fourth category and has no priority in the midst of the troubles facing U.S.
If I were Obama I would have remembered those first Cubans, some old people and others who are not of those who "dropped the gandinga" raising the luxury towers along Miami Beach more than one hundred miles of coastline or building under a merciless sun, the spectacular bridges and roads that make today's modern metropolis of Miami erected on an inhospitable swamp that few would have dreamed. I had remembered those who arrived with nothing shameful times in which Rosa Parks stood up one day just to give the seat to a white. The Cubans, the first Latino here, we're also helps the family of Rosa Parks and next to the Buffalo Soldier were in Korea, Viet-Nam and Iraq defending a foreign flag, as did Henry Reeve, "the Englishman "in his day. It's been only a few years.
If I were Obama would find a little time, not to talk back to Fidel Castro their long enrrevesadas questions, some extrapolated, DEAL. True, there are priorities, Mr. President, but at least I would say to Hilary who go to see him and ask these 7 simple questions on behalf of the United States of Cuban-American exile and over:
- Fidel is right, remove the "residence" and all civil rights, in addition to their property (house, car, refrigerator, iron and even the cat ....) your countrymen who are absent for more than 11 months Cuba, and more if they are "economic migrants" as a PC. like to say?
- is just Fidel, Cubans who chose to live abroad have to ask permission to attend the funeral of a relative, they have to buy a "tourist visa" to visit their own country and unable to stay in their land long as they want?
- Why let Fidel, that foreign firms invest in purely capitalist in Cuba strictly prohibited Cubans living abroad? Why
- Fidel, Cuban employees of these venture capitalists based in Cuba are not allowed to organize there exists a "socialist state", which is in turn, who pays a salary of "slaves" to the workers while "grateful" capitalist (no strike, no severance pay, etc.) you get paid in "hard" currency 90% of the worker's wage? Goodwill and taxes are tiny at such extortion. Why
- Fidel, if you say to be against war and terrorism incited hatred and instability of the countries? Why
- Fidel, as you know so much and have many friends instead of me these 10 "caustic" questions, you help me fix this sordid world, unjust, absurd?
- Cubans everywhere have shown great dignity and "what they are made" and the love of the land of their birth. Surely they would know to live without you. Why Fidel does not hear you. this heroic people and really just left with a column 100 of its best soldiers and a free space Cuban daily newspaper of largest circulation? All continue listening, as usual. Always know that there are bad, very bad and worse, especially now, they say that there is oil in Cuba.
For now, the same as 150 years a tenure on similar circumstances back in Tampa and Key West (Key West) in the country optimistic hope Obama and Hilary, enthusiastic even after many sad years, observing the scene. Would not have to return once more, these 12 men as always, by sea or air to any and Sierra then down a clean shot. I think that nobody cares, except the Marines ever.