INTERVIEW TO WRITE. Ninth Question and Answer PRINT INTERVIEW by Alfredo Lopez Cruz Saturday, July 18, 2009.
Dear distinguished ay / a friend:
with satisfaction and joy you once again attached a new
RESPONSE the Scribe, the Ninth. With it ends the second part of the interview sent to the full with the first delivery. I lack words to present this latest work, given the importance the subject and the continuous improvement observed throughout the whole that has given us.
NINTH QUESTION AND ANSWER: Alfredo : If as you say, approach such tremendous changes in the reality they know, I wonder:
How should we prepare to meet these changes? Because I want to live to count.
The Scribe: I gave explanations on this in my book "The Fourth Dimension, calling attention to the light of our souls, the body electric, the Will, the aura, the astral body. .. all these terms mean same.
But if you want more light on what the universe expects of you, your changes to accommodate you, I will give it. Let
dig a little deeper into what you already know, so you can understand what your duty in these end times.
If you have already understood:
* that space and time are two sides of the universe.
* That everything has two sides, everything is in Space and Time.
* What is Time who nurtures the development of Space.
* space is of a material nature, magnetic.
* What Time is of intangible nature, electrical.
* That we are all the electric and magnetic time.
* That energy that the universe is growing memory.
* The Notes have a physical presence.
* That we have two reports, the Space and Time.
* Memory Space That is our reason, material.
* To the Memory of Time is our Will, immaterial.
* That is reason Space, ordered field, motionless, lifeless.
* Space That movement is due to the power of the Will.
* What is eternal is free will, is Life.
* That we are all fragments of God. Fragments of his attention, reason and
* Will we all have inherited from God the Father, the Service.
* That all inherited Son of God, the Will.
* That all have inherited from God Mother, Reason.
Universal Space * What is the Reason of God, Mother.
* That the Universal Time is the Will of God, the Son.
* That the origin of God Mother, Two, and God the Son, the Three, is in
If you understood all these things, you've taken a big leap in time, on your way toward perfection, toward immortality.
But I can not take until the end of your trip. Nobody can do it, step by step because you have to go your way, building your own memory of Space and Time, with it, you'll realize your kingdom, the kingdom which you belong by inheritance, The Eternal Kingdom of God.
All I can do is guide you, as should the older brother with the smallest. Of all my duties, this is the first.
I can not decide for you, I, I can only guide you with my words and my example, the responsibility of your choice will be yours.
must learn to discern between Darkness and Light, between Death and Life, between Space and Time.
In the universe there are only two ways:
The road and the road space of time. The road leads to the dark space, cold, rigid, Death.
Weather Road leads to the Light, heat, movement, life.
Road Area, is that still the reason I want it all and enjoy it all, before he died. It is the path of pain and ends in death.
The path of Time, is as follows Will, not this place, want to know what lies beyond. Is the path of duty that transcends death.
who choose this route, you must comply with the pleasure they produce things well, the pleasure of make others happy, to take advantage of the days, filling. The pleasure of returning to a life with hands full of good works.
Attention, Free Will, in the midst of Reason and the Will must choose between going forward, the time or go back into space.
This is not a dramatic choice between life and death, because in truth can not die.
But who lives for pleasure, the pleasure will die and be born and start again, with more experience and some delay. As a student must repeat the course.
If you choose the path of pleasure, you will not need a guide, it will find many on the road.
If you choose the path of duty, the way of the Will, as hard and lonely and accountability.
If you want to please the reason and will at the same time, taking a step back and another forward, not forward or back, can reach an extreme confrontation between the two reports, the Space and Time, can be disrupted dual personality.
The only reasonable way is that of time, because here, we are immersed, trapped, on a journey into the future.
decide the route to take, it seems a simple matter of choice, easy to fix, but the issue becomes more complex when one intends to walk Will the path of reason and refuses. It is then understood, that Reason is like a stubborn beast, leaving only rule by force, by the Power of the Will.
Everyone has two faces, two opposite personalities, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, one is the Will, the other reason. Two reports
opposite the Time and Space, faced, in permanent tension with the care in the midst of both, trying to make them walk in the same direction.
One wants to go to space, wants to live in the past, the known, where she feels safe.
The other wants to go into Time, wants to live in the future, where intended to be free.
A turns out to be conservative, not like change, the other is to be progressive, wants to change everything.
are our two sides.
Female and male, left and right, negative and positive. One would prefer to receive, you give away and the other prefers to give, to give gifts. One wants to occupy the space, order it at will, embellish, enrich, because she loves security. The other wants to take the time, cast, sort, directing, creating, building, planting ...
Reason is a Force, the Will is a power. Attention needs the will, as a necessary intermediary, to lead to Reason.
Attention, orders
Will Will, sent to Reason.
The order is electric, its execution is magnetic. The duality in all of us, represents the duality Universal, and see reproduced, in pairs, siblings, families, parties, peoples, countries ...
In all, we find this duality, the very humanity throughout the universe, duality reflected in the dark, typical of Space and Light, Time itself.
After many attempts and many failures, allow your reason is subordinated to see your will and your will to your attention.
The Power and the Force will be under your domain, you've sorted everything into place.
I am, I am the creative principle.
Will I Am, I'm the master builder.
I'm the reason, I am the worker. To be able to live upright, dignified, you must be willing to wage a battle against your darker side, and you know how we fight.
To overcome the "evil" in yourself, you know the enemy before the fight, or will fail, because his cunning knows no bounds and all the arts of deception.
In this battle, the enemy is no stranger to you but you live in it, is your reason, your negative side, your body and mind, the memory that you inherit from your ancestors, pretending to be
itself , survive more than anyone, possessed However, to procure the safety and the greatest pleasure.
To do this, do not hesitate to enslave the will and attention, giving it movement and life.
The battle will be silent, as it will place in your inner self and will, only three participants.
Attention will be the referee, magistrate, Guiding Principle, the other two contenders:
your reason, your face negative female.
your will, your positive side, male.
Since Reason is mortal and Will is immortal, not a war to death, because the winner needs at up to govern. If Will wins, will in the reason a faithful servant and will be fair to her.
If he beats Reason, become a slave to the will, she will be compelled to serve the greatest of tyrants. Without his mask,
Reason is a real monster insatiable, soulless, that the Church has mistaken for a devil. But in truth, there is no hell worse than Reason.
Being built with space, Reason has the character of the area is negative, attractive, absorbent, possessive, jealous, wants everything for itself and does not let anything, however small, if not in exchange for something larger. It is our magnetic memory, which grows, adding
memory. It
be so envious, that is capable of covering the accomplishments of others, to only see their own. It is vindictive and cruel, unable to forgive the sorrier.
afraid to teach what they learn, to know more than others. Masking their knowledge, so that no copy their methods, and his explanations are full of darkness.
With Reason can not be negotiated, is hypocritical, deceitful and treacherous, making promises that you intend to comply. When you see an injustice, looking the other way, he is afraid the problems. Likes
be served, acknowledged the applause, give away, and instead pay homage, it is penny-pinching, stingy and ungrateful.
In every way,
Reason is the enemy of all virtue of any discipline.
addition jealous, capricious and greedy, is superb, aggressive, bully, glutton ... and more.
Everything that is wrong, false and useless in this world, is his work , their ignorance, envy and impatience.
The task of the Will, is tame to Reason, as a rough dressage will do anything to survive. Is taming all the vices of Reason, as the Will is acquiring its own virtues. Reasons
All are equal, there are not better or worse, they are all selfish, greedy and unrestrained.
see a reason with patience, tells us that the will which inhabits it, is holding its own impatience of Reason.
A brave Reason tells us that Will knows curb the urge to run coward, without looking back, typical of Reason.
In times of danger, flees Reason hastily, terrified, hysterical. Will experienced only one can force to face the danger and try to help others.
In its natural state, the ratio is of no virtue. When we see our fellow virtues, does not mean you have inherited a better ratio, but the will which inhabits it, is firmer, more powerful, have more time, more wisdom. Reason takes her well tied, muzzled, so that not even talk without permission of the Will.
many lives are needed to build the memory of Will, and it takes this long to completely tame Reason own but most of humanity has lived enough lives for it, and there is no time for another life. We're at the end of the road, the time is coming to an end.
Meanwhile, the majority of humanity is still asleep, dreaming of security and pleasure, they run into the darkness of space, away from the Light of Time.
If we fail to awaken, if not made aware of the urgent need to reason in the service of Will
face war if not inside, bloodless war, may be forced to fight another war, against Reason his brothers, this will be a war between reason, a cruel war, death. To try to avoid, in the penultimate instance, drew the attention of all the firstborn of all families within the Site.
is up to them more responsibility I just, I can not wake up to humanity, being exhausted and pleased at the foot of the Security. Therefore, it is the duty of the elderly, help me to try, for the good of everyone, of all mankind. Nobody
saves himself. Do not empeñéis it. Empeñaos to save your brothers, and you yourselves, you will get the help needed to get to safety.
At the present time, this is the most important and necessary task: turn over our reason and muster the patience to bring light to the most hungry and feed them, if necessary, one by one.
But we can not wake anyone, if earlier, will not achieve victory over our reason, forcing it to present its best face, clean, gentle, humble, bearer of Light of Wisdom.
is so difficult to wake a brother, like turning our reason, to stop the path of Darkness and Light take. The downside of the reason, there is one, is built with many smaller sides, so that, by removing his mask, find another underneath, and below it, appears again and again, and again shrinking. Will's task is to remove them all and turn them over.
To achieve this we must know it thoroughly.
have her busy. Our reason, our awareness of space, is our memory surface is renewed frequently and work habits, likes to repeat what you know and move on familiar territory, where they feel safer. He does not like risk, even to learn something new because is appalled by the failure to others.
Live and learn by imitation, who likes to imitate most outstanding, who lives on the other, the one that best survives.
already know, that despite its name, the reason does not reason, do not take the time, does not think before acting, reacting merely to survive. When speaking, she speaks first, without giving time to the Will. To hear any word regarding his memory, interrupting reacts to give their opinion.
our memory is reactive, autonomous, is interested in current affairs that happen in space, safety, welfare, movements among its neighbors, who die who are born, their occupations, habits, friends, parties, travel pleasure ... not interested in deep knowledge, does not need to move around the space.
safety and pleasure, are to achieve their goals and will not hesitate to lie, steal, enslave and even kill, blame it to others.
is so envious, who dreams of being envied. Is lying to a fault, never tells the truth, for fear of the consequences, always says the best to survive better.
is jealous, insecure, quarrelsome and demanding with others, but never with itself. Only sees the negative side of everything.
is gossip, scaremongering, pimp and distorted.
is a blind force, without brake, ready for anything to survive, to live afraid, because of their fear of dying, losing everything. Before this formidable enemy, the will is not disarmed, it has the power to do under its reason, to obey without reply.
Will the opposite pair of Reason has all the positive virtues latent presented negative reason.
If Reason has many negative sides, its opposite pair, Will, has them all positive, so Will has to turn them over one by one.
Being positive and negative Will Reason, both also have their opposite pair, ie
Will also has two sides, positive and negative, but facing
positive And you have to force it and look around to see its negative side.
Reason also has two sides, positive and negative, but facing
is negative and you have to force it and look around to see its positive side.
Will have to put the reins to a blind force, without brake, with its own memory, learning by itself, adding more memory in each generation, with the intention of living better.
Will also lives by taking steps in each life, turning the negative sides of Reason, reversing them, putting their faces against positive, making every vice a virtue. Since
Reason works habits, we must reverse the negative into positive.
must be taught to conform to the right and necessary. No telling when you order more, forcing it to do their duties to the best side. Without negotiating with her, shortly after surrender, and we will have won another small battle, until the final victory, when the reason no progress, because it goes behind the Will.
badly needed is to know the reason as to the Will. A Reason does not like working. The work, done right, it belongs to Will.
Remember now, the reason is the material body, which we inherited from the mother to recognize this world and carry memories of Reality which is the Area, the Universe. This body of Space, loves, Security.
Reason, the body visible, material, magnetic, I know, the view is: it is slow, heavy, fragile, easily fatigued, suffer from hunger, thirst, fear, cold, heat, disease, deteriorates quickly, is the son of Space, Death.
Will our body invisible, intangible power, we inherited from God the Son, to know the reality which is the time, he loves above all, freedom.
If you wonder why the presence and power functions of your body, consider your reason and your will, that is, your body material and your body is immaterial, are opposites, so that, if you look at the characteristics of one, can reveal the other. Counting, that one used to move around the space and the other to move through the time.
I will reveal something about its functionality, to reflect on the reality that is your soul, your will be built with time, which is light, electricity, memory.
body turns out to be a beautiful, vivid light, variables, an amazing symphony of light and vibrant color in spiral motion. Light
Although it appears to have density, being composed of many lights, it is entirely immaterial, so that your body electric is as light as light, which weighs nothing, is as swift as Time, moves at the speed of light, not tired, does not suffer from hunger or thirst, nor afraid of anything, does not affect either the cold or heat, knows no pain, no sick, not age, is always young, is immortal.
Will our body to meet Liberty, made of Time, light, invisible to the eye of Reason
still around.
While living in space, we can not see electricity, the light that comes from the time, we can only see the reflection of light in space, but the light itself, can not see it.
Will Light is built with time, which is memory. The time remaining for the development of Space is the memory that we need to complete the development of Will. Outside this
developing Universe, Queen of Light of Eternity, where he can see the light of Time, in light of the Will. From there we come to a light and there return with it or without it.
Alfredo I will give the knowledge necessary to be able to see the reality that it is your will.
I have already explained your reason is built with minor reasons. If you understood this, it will be easier to understand that your will, is constructed under Wills, ie
Your physical body is a space, a Reason, Reasons built under, who are bodies that have functions, proper motion. Which tells you that they will, electric field or light body.
Just as the reason, the material body, is composed of material bodies, magnetic. Will also
, the immaterial body, is composed of immaterial bodies, electrical.
Each of your organs materials, material consists of cells, each cell in addition to reason, it is proper motion, it will, light body, electrical, immaterial.
same happens with the molecules that form cells, the atoms molecules, and particles that form atoms.
All Reasons that make up your physical body, in addition to reason, they will, electric field, light body.
To give you an idea of \u200b\u200bhow they look together, Reason and Will, at a distance, watching the sun When you look at the sun, light, allow you to watch your physical body. The same happens with the light of the Will, which only reveals the reason as a shadow inside.
Will at close range, is an impressive sight. The electric field around you, is formed by electric fields of your organs, inside which the electric fields vibrate even smaller and faster of the cells, which are also formed in turn by other smaller and faster still even, corresponding to molecules in which Inside you can see the electric fields of atoms and within these, the subatomic particle, the smaller and faster. All have their own light.
If the physical body is beautiful in its best years, the Body of Light, is an extraordinary vision, an order of light and color of unprecedented wealth, where life, late everywhere, every organ is distinguished from others by its light, its color, its nuances, latent, changing variables in intensity.
any anomaly, any organ dysfunction on Reason, is seen immediately in the body of Light. Even the thoughts, have their visible effect on light and color of the organs.
Electrical eyes of Will can see inside of things, nothing is beyond the scope of the vision of the Will. You can temporarily leave the physical body to move at the speed of light, can come to far in an instant and in another moment you can go to the depths of matter, the microscopic world to see the magic of the inner worlds, cells, molecules, atoms, particles ... everything is within your power vision. Your ear can hear the collapse of a distant star, or the rapid movement of an electron. His touch, touch the memory of things, he is in Oneness with everything it touches, learn by simple contact. His nose can discern the traces left by each memory without count the elapsed time, because time does not move in Eternity ...
In this dimension, does move over time, and we have limited space to delve deeper into the extraordinary power of the sense of the Will.
However, the Space poses no obstacle to the Will. She is built to rule the area, the third dimension.
understand that you can move at the speed of light, gives you control over the area. But walk the Time of the Universe, from its very beginning until the end, even though you travel at the speed of light and even if you are immortal, you need billions of years to traverse in a straight line, and more for spiral path and receiving report of reality, which is the Fourth Dimension, Eternity.
not enough to be immortal and move at the speed of Light,
to find and collect memory of the greatness of God.
Therefore, you are eternal. To enjoy your light body and know the freedom that reigns in eternity, you should focus first in terms of taming the body that now enjoy, designed to meet the Space Security.
not give up you, to your reason, the shadow of your will, resist negative impulses, and turn them over if you see it necessary, tie, until you see it rendered, at the foot of your Will.
Will, is meant to overwhelm reason. Our positive side, bright, our memory power, is by its very nature, positive, innocent, reflective, reasonable and honest. Learn understanding and excellence achieved through practice. His reasoning follows the logic, common sense, not afraid to make mistakes because they learn from their mistakes. She is frank, truthful, generous, efficient, intelligent, courteous, shameful, clean and cheerful, sees the positive side of things, is reckless, he is brave, protective, known to be quiet, you know sacrifice, difficult to give up, forgiving and has inspiration itself ... Unlike
Reason, always envious, Will is happy making others happy, enjoying its joys, are saddened by his misfortunes, and rebel against injustice. We should not judge
harshly with our peers, when their behavior is reprehensible. Understand that do not yet know his reason to stop, because they are very young and need to Wills at his side, an older Will to teach them to behave and slow. All
Will, who is old, has also been young, unable to restrain his Reason. Give him his chance to learn Will younger.
The key to winning this war so particular, is in the note, she is in the middle between Reason and Will. She is the Source of Life, both for the reason to the will, so that if the note, serving negative impulses, typical of Reason, Reason will get away with it. If, however, Care, serves the positive impulses, typical of the Will, Reason will have no choice.
Will, being electrical in nature, not content with the material, as Reason. She is powered by light.
Light is Truth, Truth is Perfection, Perfection is Life. enjoys
Will the real things, good and useful, is pleased with a job well done, Love, Learn, good works, a beautiful musical composition, good art, a beautiful landscape, smile a child, the perfume flowers, birds singing, the silence of the fish ...
However, the reason that he never has enough for itself, the moment of truth, when forced, comply with bread and water if they let her live, and in this condition do not dare protest.
El Tiempo, the Supreme Will not let you walk on the Eternity, before dying, if your Will has not given back to your reason, to present the Shrew: meek, humble, patient and obedient.
I still have one last piece of advice related to your desire to prepare for the End Times.
says: That
take Reason another, lose their own reasons,
because no one can serve two masters at once. These words were, are and shall remain in force.
'll explain:
The two gentlemen at once, are the reason and will.
You know what Reason and Will, are opposite, namely that the strengthening of a means or implies, the weakening of the other.
Reason healthy lives, if fed with healthy
fruits of the earth, such as fruits and seeds. But if we feed our own reason, another reason, dead, dark, cold, rigid, without electric field then, our perception is reinforced and, therefore, weakens the will.
If you've chosen the path of the Will, you must recognize this weakness in the Reason for the dead flesh and their consequences for the Will.
If a child, feed it with meat, like meat, in fact, the reason you like your meat, not for nothing is built to the memory of many generations, whose habits and lifestyle were the war cruelty, slavery, death, flesh and blood.
Education is very important and habits of poor education makes it more difficult for the Will.
why is not the Reason your children who is to educate, memory is fickle and superficial reason, forget quickly what does not concern their own survival.
Reason, learn by imitating the strongest. Learn
, following the example you see in their elders. Who is there to educate to the Will of your children, so you know, by themselves, stop the debauchery of reason. Feeding
every whim of Reason, Reason you strengthen your children and debilitáis his will.
I do, therefore, a disservice, delivering the hard process that is life, with a capricious and wanton reason, without a Will educated, determined and steadfast, to curb.
Finally, I will remind other words, true, they are still valid and belong to who was crucified for saying who he was, in truth, the Son of God.
God the Son, incarnate, the Supreme Will of God the Father, who was, is and will remain, forever, our Father, the Father of our Will,
said these words:
THAT DO NOT BELIEVE IN ME DIE. Among primitive men could not be understood, but his statement is true and accurate, you can already understand.
As He, the Father of Will all, with our will, his, before our believing in Him is to believe in our own will. So, who believes in his own will, it will rise above their reason and make it a humble and meek server.
Why is this important?
Because this generation will live the End of Time, crush the Fourth Dimension, without dying.
precisely the generation that has forgotten its origin and destination.
Because His Word will be fulfilled. In his name, I remember HIS WORD,
and as your older brother, Alfredo,
also give you mine.
The meek shall inherit the Earth.
The humble, the pure in heart ... finally ...
see God End of Response and the second delivery. hereby opened a time of reflection, maturity and practice of these extraordinary works that we have been reminded. And who decides Care ... I send
desire to find more positive all around the summer ... For my part, I will continue to be at your disposal in this task because there is no rest.
To quote Scribe, after filling touches empty.
Be alert to implement what they learned, you know that knowledge becomes wisdom when we take our understanding from those who hunger for knowledge. Strengthen and inspire
who asks, is the seed that eventually brings us greater strength and inspiration.
conclude by thanking all who have submitted their evaluations, demonstrations of support, giving thanks for the posts, which I can not fail to redirect the Scribe, uniting them my deepest gratitude. Extending also to all those aware of the reality we live and have worked dissemination selflessly working for the progress of the Soul of all Souls.
a fraternal embrace. Alfredo
PS: This reply has been removed from the complete set is sent by email, the sole purpose of facilitating the search for information in the Blogg.