by Alfredo Lopez Cruz
Saturday, July 18, 2009.
Dear distinguished ay / a friend:
with satisfaction and joy you once again attached a new RESPONSE the Scribe, the Ninth. With it ends the second part of the interview sent to the full with the first delivery. I lack words to present this latest work, given the importance the subject and the continuous improvement observed throughout the whole that has given us.
If as you say, approach such tremendous changes in the reality they know, I wonder:
How should we prepare to meet these changes? Because I want to live to count.
The Scribe:
I gave explanations on this in my book "The Fourth Dimension, calling attention to the light of our souls, the body electric, the Will, the aura, the astral body. .. all these terms mean same.
But if you want more light on what the universe expects of you, your changes to accommodate you, I will give it. Let
dig a little deeper into what you already know, so you can understand what your duty in these end times.
If you have already understood:
* that space and time are two sides of the universe.
* That everything has two sides, everything is in Space and Time.
* What is Time who nurtures the development of Space.
* space is of a material nature, magnetic.
* What Time is of intangible nature, electrical.
* That we are all the electric and magnetic time.
* That energy that the universe is growing memory.
* The Notes have a physical presence.
* That we have two reports, the Space and Time.
* Memory Space That is our reason, material.
* To the Memory of Time is our Will, immaterial.
* That is reason Space, ordered field, motionless, lifeless.
* Space That movement is due to the power of the Will.
* What is eternal is free will, is Life.
* That we are all fragments of God. Fragments of his attention, reason and
* Will we all have inherited from God the Father, the Service.
* That all inherited Son of God, the Will.
* That all have inherited from God Mother, Reason.
Universal Space * What is the Reason of God, Mother.
* That the Universal Time is the Will of God, the Son.
* That the origin of God Mother, Two, and God the Son, the Three, is in
If you understood all these things, you've taken a big leap in time, on your way toward perfection, toward immortality.
But I can not take until the end of your trip. Nobody can do it, step by step because you have to go your way, building your own memory of Space and Time, with it, you'll realize your kingdom, the kingdom which you belong by inheritance, The Eternal Kingdom of God.
All I can do is guide you, as should the older brother with the smallest. Of all my duties, this is the first.
I can not decide for you, I, I can only guide you with my words and my example, the responsibility of your choice will be yours.
must learn to discern between Darkness and Light, between Death and Life, between Space and Time.
In the universe there are only two ways:
The road and the road space of time. The road leads to the dark space, cold, rigid, Death.
Weather Road leads to the Light, heat, movement, life.
Road Area, is that still the reason I want it all and enjoy it all, before he died. It is the path of pain and ends in death.
The path of Time, is as follows Will, not this place, want to know what lies beyond. Is the path of duty that transcends death.
who choose this route, you must comply with the pleasure they produce things well, the pleasure of make others happy, to take advantage of the days, filling. The pleasure of returning to a life with hands full of good works.
Attention, Free Will, in the midst of Reason and the Will must choose between going forward, the time or go back into space.
This is not a dramatic choice between life and death, because in truth can not die.
But who lives for pleasure, the pleasure will die and be born and start again, with more experience and some delay. As a student must repeat the course.
If you choose the path of pleasure, you will not need a guide, it will find many on the road.
If you choose the path of duty, the way of the Will, as hard and lonely and accountability.
If you want to please the reason and will at the same time, taking a step back and another forward, not forward or back, can reach an extreme confrontation between the two reports, the Space and Time, can be disrupted dual personality.
The only reasonable way is that of time, because here, we are immersed, trapped, on a journey into the future.
decide the route to take, it seems a simple matter of choice, easy to fix, but the issue becomes more complex when one intends to walk Will the path of reason and refuses. It is then understood, that Reason is like a stubborn beast, leaving only rule by force, by the Power of the Will.
Everyone has two faces, two opposite personalities, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, one is the Will, the other reason. Two reports
opposite the Time and Space, faced, in permanent tension with the care in the midst of both, trying to make them walk in the same direction.
One wants to go to space, wants to live in the past, the known, where she feels safe.
The other wants to go into Time, wants to live in the future, where intended to be free.
A turns out to be conservative, not like change, the other is to be progressive, wants to change everything.
are our two sides.
Female and male, left and right, negative and positive. One would prefer to receive, you give away and the other prefers to give, to give gifts. One wants to occupy the space, order it at will, embellish, enrich, because she loves security. The other wants to take the time, cast, sort, directing, creating, building, planting ...
Reason is a Force, the Will is a power.
Attention needs the will, as a necessary intermediary, to lead to Reason.
Attention, orders
Will Will, sent to Reason.
The order is electric, its execution is magnetic.
The duality in all of us, represents the duality Universal, and see reproduced, in pairs, siblings, families, parties, peoples, countries ...
In all, we find this duality, the very humanity throughout the universe, duality reflected in the dark, typical of Space and Light, Time itself.
After many attempts and many failures, allow your reason is subordinated to see your will and your will to your attention.
The Power and the Force will be under your domain, you've sorted everything into place.
Care I am, I am the creative principle.
Will I Am, I'm the master builder.
I'm the reason, I am the worker.
To be able to live upright, dignified, you must be willing to wage a battle against your darker side, and you know how we fight.
To overcome the "evil" in yourself, you know the enemy before the fight, or will fail, because his cunning knows no bounds and all the arts of deception.
In this battle, the enemy is no stranger to you but you live in it, is your reason, your negative side, your body and mind, the memory that you inherit from your ancestors, pretending to be itself , survive more than anyone, possessed However, to procure the safety and the greatest pleasure.
To do this, do not hesitate to enslave the will and attention, giving it movement and life.
The battle will be silent, as it will place in your inner self and will, only three participants.
Attention will be the referee, magistrate, Guiding Principle, the other two contenders:
your reason, your face negative female.
your will, your positive side, male.
Since Reason is mortal and Will is immortal, not a war to death, because the winner needs at up to govern.
If Will wins, will in the reason a faithful servant and will be fair to her.
If he beats Reason, become a slave to the will, she will be compelled to serve the greatest of tyrants. Without his mask, Reason is a real monster insatiable, soulless, that the Church has mistaken for a devil. But in truth, there is no hell worse than Reason.
Being built with space, Reason has the character of the area is negative, attractive, absorbent, possessive, jealous, wants everything for itself and does not let anything, however small, if not in exchange for something larger. It is our magnetic memory, which grows, adding memory. It
be so envious, that is capable of covering the accomplishments of others, to only see their own. It is vindictive and cruel, unable to forgive the sorrier.
afraid to teach what they learn, to know more than others. Masking their knowledge, so that no copy their methods, and his explanations are full of darkness.
With Reason can not be negotiated, is hypocritical, deceitful and treacherous, making promises that you intend to comply. When you see an injustice, looking the other way, he is afraid the problems. Likes
be served, acknowledged the applause, give away, and instead pay homage, it is penny-pinching, stingy and ungrateful.
In every way, Reason is the enemy of all virtue of any discipline.
addition jealous, capricious and greedy, is superb, aggressive, bully, glutton ... and more. Everything that is wrong, false and useless in this world, is his work , their ignorance, envy and impatience.
The task of the Will, is tame to Reason, as a rough dressage will do anything to survive. Is taming all the vices of Reason, as the Will is acquiring its own virtues. Reasons
All are equal, there are not better or worse, they are all selfish, greedy and unrestrained.
see a reason with patience, tells us that the will which inhabits it, is holding its own impatience of Reason.
A brave Reason tells us that Will knows curb the urge to run coward, without looking back, typical of Reason.
In times of danger, flees Reason hastily, terrified, hysterical. Will experienced only one can force to face the danger and try to help others.
In its natural state, the ratio is of no virtue.
When we see our fellow virtues, does not mean you have inherited a better ratio, but the will which inhabits it, is firmer, more powerful, have more time, more wisdom. Reason takes her well tied, muzzled, so that not even talk without permission of the Will.
many lives are needed to build the memory of Will, and it takes this long to completely tame Reason own but most of humanity has lived enough lives for it, and there is no time for another life. We're at the end of the road, the time is coming to an end.
Meanwhile, the majority of humanity is still asleep, dreaming of security and pleasure, they run into the darkness of space, away from the Light of Time.
If we fail to awaken, if not made aware of the urgent need to reason in the service of Will face war if not inside, bloodless war, may be forced to fight another war, against Reason his brothers, this will be a war between reason, a cruel war, death.
To try to avoid, in the penultimate instance, drew the attention of all the firstborn of all families within the Site.
is up to them more responsibility
I just, I can not wake up to humanity, being exhausted and pleased at the foot of the Security. Therefore, it is the duty of the elderly, help me to try, for the good of everyone, of all mankind. Nobody
saves himself. Do not empeñéis it. Empeñaos to save your brothers, and you yourselves, you will get the help needed to get to safety.
At the present time, this is the most important and necessary task: turn over our reason and muster the patience to bring light to the most hungry and feed them, if necessary, one by one.
But we can not wake anyone, if earlier, will not achieve victory over our reason, forcing it to present its best face, clean, gentle, humble, bearer of Light of Wisdom.
is so difficult to wake a brother, like turning our reason, to stop the path of Darkness and Light take.
The downside of the reason, there is one, is built with many smaller sides, so that, by removing his mask, find another underneath, and below it, appears again and again, and again shrinking. Will's task is to remove them all and turn them over.
To achieve this we must know it thoroughly. have her busy.
Our reason, our awareness of space, is our memory surface is renewed frequently and work habits, likes to repeat what you know and move on familiar territory, where they feel safer. He does not like risk, even to learn something new because is appalled by the failure to others.
Live and learn by imitation, who likes to imitate most outstanding, who lives on the other, the one that best survives.
already know, that despite its name, the reason does not reason, do not take the time, does not think before acting, reacting merely to survive. When speaking, she speaks first, without giving time to the Will. To hear any word regarding his memory, interrupting reacts to give their opinion.
our memory is reactive, autonomous, is interested in current affairs that happen in space, safety, welfare, movements among its neighbors, who die who are born, their occupations, habits, friends, parties, travel pleasure ... not interested in deep knowledge, does not need to move around the space.
safety and pleasure, are to achieve their goals and will not hesitate to lie, steal, enslave and even kill, blame it to others.
is so envious, who dreams of being envied. Is lying to a fault, never tells the truth, for fear of the consequences, always says the best to survive better.
is jealous, insecure, quarrelsome and demanding with others, but never with itself. Only sees the negative side of everything.
is gossip, scaremongering, pimp and distorted.
is a blind force, without brake, ready for anything to survive, to live afraid, because of their fear of dying, losing everything. Before
this formidable enemy, the will is not disarmed, it has the power to do under its reason, to obey without reply.
Will the opposite pair of Reason has all the positive virtues latent presented negative reason.
If Reason has many negative sides, its opposite pair, Will, has them all positive, so Will has to turn them over one by one.
Being positive and negative Will Reason, both also have their opposite pair, ie
Will also has two sides, positive and negative, but facing positive And you have to force it and look around to see its negative side.
Reason also has two sides, positive and negative, but facing is negative and you have to force it and look around to see its positive side.
Will have to put the reins to a blind force, without brake, with its own memory, learning by itself, adding more memory in each generation, with the intention of living better.
Will also lives by taking steps in each life, turning the negative sides of Reason, reversing them, putting their faces against positive, making every vice a virtue. Since
Reason works habits, we must reverse the negative into positive. must be taught to conform to the right and necessary. No telling when you order more, forcing it to do their duties to the best side. Without negotiating with her, shortly after surrender, and we will have won another small battle, until the final victory, when the reason no progress, because it goes behind the Will.
badly needed is to know the reason as to the Will. A Reason does not like working. The work, done right, it belongs to Will.
Remember now, the reason is the material body, which we inherited from the mother to recognize this world and carry memories of Reality which is the Area, the Universe. This body of Space, loves, Security.
Reason, the body visible, material, magnetic, I know, the view is: it is slow, heavy, fragile, easily fatigued, suffer from hunger, thirst, fear, cold, heat, disease, deteriorates quickly, is the son of Space, Death.
Will our body invisible, intangible power, we inherited from God the Son, to know the reality which is the time, he loves above all, freedom.
If you wonder why the presence and power functions of your body, consider your reason and your will, that is, your body material and your body is immaterial, are opposites, so that, if you look at the characteristics of one, can reveal the other. Counting, that one used to move around the space and the other to move through the time.
I will reveal something about its functionality, to reflect on the reality that is your soul, your will be built with time, which is light, electricity, memory.
body turns out to be a beautiful, vivid light, variables, an amazing symphony of light and vibrant color in spiral motion. Light
Although it appears to have density, being composed of many lights, it is entirely immaterial, so that your body electric is as light as light, which weighs nothing, is as swift as Time, moves at the speed of light, not tired, does not suffer from hunger or thirst, nor afraid of anything, does not affect either the cold or heat, knows no pain, no sick, not age, is always young, is immortal.
Will our body to meet Liberty, made of Time, light, invisible to the eye of Reason still around.
While living in space, we can not see electricity, the light that comes from the time, we can only see the reflection of light in space, but the light itself, can not see it.
Will Light is built with time, which is memory. The time remaining for the development of Space is the memory that we need to complete the development of Will. Outside this
developing Universe, Queen of Light of Eternity, where he can see the light of Time, in light of the Will. From there we come to a light and there return with it or without it.
Alfredo I will give the knowledge necessary to be able to see the reality that it is your will.
I have already explained your reason is built with minor reasons. If you understood this, it will be easier to understand that your will, is constructed under Wills, ie
Your physical body is a space, a Reason, Reasons built under, who are bodies that have functions, proper motion. Which tells you that they will, electric field or light body.
Just as the reason, the material body, is composed of material bodies, magnetic. Will also
, the immaterial body, is composed of immaterial bodies, electrical.
Each of your organs materials, material consists of cells, each cell in addition to reason, it is proper motion, it will, light body, electrical, immaterial.
same happens with the molecules that form cells, the atoms molecules, and particles that form atoms.
All Reasons that make up your physical body, in addition to reason, they will, electric field, light body.
To give you an idea of \u200b\u200bhow they look together, Reason and Will, at a distance, watching the sun When you look at the sun, light, allow you to watch your physical body. The same happens with the light of the Will, which only reveals the reason as a shadow inside.
Will at close range, is an impressive sight. The electric field around you, is formed by electric fields of your organs, inside which the electric fields vibrate even smaller and faster of the cells, which are also formed in turn by other smaller and faster still even, corresponding to molecules in which Inside you can see the electric fields of atoms and within these, the subatomic particle, the smaller and faster. All have their own light.
If the physical body is beautiful in its best years, the Body of Light, is an extraordinary vision, an order of light and color of unprecedented wealth, where life, late everywhere, every organ is distinguished from others by its light, its color, its nuances, latent, changing variables in intensity.
any anomaly, any organ dysfunction on Reason, is seen immediately in the body of Light. Even the thoughts, have their visible effect on light and color of the organs.
Electrical eyes of Will can see inside of things, nothing is beyond the scope of the vision of the Will. You can temporarily leave the physical body to move at the speed of light, can come to far in an instant and in another moment you can go to the depths of matter, the microscopic world to see the magic of the inner worlds, cells, molecules, atoms, particles ... everything is within your power vision. Your ear can hear the collapse of a distant star, or the rapid movement of an electron. His touch, touch the memory of things, he is in Oneness with everything it touches, learn by simple contact. His nose can discern the traces left by each memory without count the elapsed time, because time does not move in Eternity ...
In this dimension, does move over time, and we have limited space to delve deeper into the extraordinary power of the sense of the Will.
However, the Space poses no obstacle to the Will. She is built to rule the area, the third dimension.
understand that you can move at the speed of light, gives you control over the area. But walk the Time of the Universe, from its very beginning until the end, even though you travel at the speed of light and even if you are immortal, you need billions of years to traverse in a straight line, and more for spiral path and receiving report of reality, which is the Fourth Dimension, Eternity.
not enough to be immortal and move at the speed of Light,
to find and collect memory of the greatness of God.
Therefore, you are eternal.
To enjoy your light body and know the freedom that reigns in eternity, you should focus first in terms of taming the body that now enjoy, designed to meet the Space Security.
not give up you, to your reason, the shadow of your will, resist negative impulses, and turn them over if you see it necessary, tie, until you see it rendered, at the foot of your Will.
Will, is meant to overwhelm reason. Our positive side, bright, our memory power, is by its very nature, positive, innocent, reflective, reasonable and honest. Learn understanding and excellence achieved through practice. His reasoning follows the logic, common sense, not afraid to make mistakes because they learn from their mistakes. She is frank, truthful, generous, efficient, intelligent, courteous, shameful, clean and cheerful, sees the positive side of things, is reckless, he is brave, protective, known to be quiet, you know sacrifice, difficult to give up, forgiving and has inspiration itself ... Unlike
Reason, always envious, Will is happy making others happy, enjoying its joys, are saddened by his misfortunes, and rebel against injustice. We should not judge
harshly with our peers, when their behavior is reprehensible. Understand that do not yet know his reason to stop, because they are very young and need to Wills at his side, an older Will to teach them to behave and slow. All
Will, who is old, has also been young, unable to restrain his Reason. Give him his chance to learn Will younger.
The key to winning this war so particular, is in the note, she is in the middle between Reason and Will. She is the Source of Life, both for the reason to the will, so that if the note, serving negative impulses, typical of Reason, Reason will get away with it. If, however, Care, serves the positive impulses, typical of the Will, Reason will have no choice.
Will, being electrical in nature, not content with the material, as Reason. She is powered by light.
Light is Truth, Truth is Perfection, Perfection is Life.
Will the real things, good and useful, is pleased with a job well done, Love, Learn, good works, a beautiful musical composition, good art, a beautiful landscape, smile a child, the perfume flowers, birds singing, the silence of the fish ...
However, the reason that he never has enough for itself, the moment of truth, when forced, comply with bread and water if they let her live, and in this condition do not dare protest.
El Tiempo, the Supreme Will not let you walk on the Eternity, before dying, if your Will has not given back to your reason, to present the Shrew: meek, humble, patient and obedient.
I still have one last piece of advice related to your desire to prepare for the End Times.
says: That
take Reason another, lose their own reasons,
because no one can serve two masters at once.
These words were, are and shall remain in force.
'll explain:
The two gentlemen at once, are the reason and will.
You know what Reason and Will, are opposite, namely that the strengthening of a means or implies, the weakening of the other.
Reason healthy lives, if fed with healthy fruits of the earth, such as fruits and seeds. But if we feed our own reason, another reason, dead, dark, cold, rigid, without electric field then, our perception is reinforced and, therefore, weakens the will.
If you've chosen the path of the Will, you must recognize this weakness in the Reason for the dead flesh and their consequences for the Will.
If a child, feed it with meat, like meat, in fact, the reason you like your meat, not for nothing is built to the memory of many generations, whose habits and lifestyle were the war cruelty, slavery, death, flesh and blood.
Education is very important and habits of poor education makes it more difficult for the Will.
why is not the Reason your children who is to educate, memory is fickle and superficial reason, forget quickly what does not concern their own survival.
Reason, learn by imitating the strongest. Learn
, following the example you see in their elders.
Who is there to educate to the Will of your children, so you know, by themselves, stop the debauchery of reason. Feeding
every whim of Reason, Reason you strengthen your children and debilitáis his will.
I do, therefore, a disservice, delivering the hard process that is life, with a capricious and wanton reason, without a Will educated, determined and steadfast, to curb.
Finally, I will remind other words, true, they are still valid and belong to who was crucified for saying who he was, in truth, the Son of God.
God the Son, incarnate, the Supreme Will of God the Father, who was, is and will remain, forever, our Father, the Father of our Will,
said these words:
Among primitive men could not be understood, but his statement is true and accurate, you can already understand.
As He, the Father of Will all, with our will, his, before our believing in Him is to believe in our own will. So, who believes in his own will, it will rise above their reason and make it a humble and meek server.
Why is this important?
Because this generation will live the End of Time,
crush the Fourth Dimension, without dying.
precisely the generation that has forgotten its origin and destination.
Because His Word will be fulfilled.
In his name, I remember HIS WORD,
and as your older brother, Alfredo,
also give you mine.
The meek shall inherit the Earth.
The humble, the pure in heart ... finally ...
see God
End of Response and the second delivery.
hereby opened a time of reflection, maturity and practice of these extraordinary works that we have been reminded. And who decides Care ... I send
desire to find more positive all around the summer ... For my part, I will continue to be at your disposal in this task because there is no rest.
To quote Scribe, after filling touches empty.
Be alert to implement what they learned, you know that knowledge becomes wisdom when we take our understanding from those who hunger for knowledge. Strengthen and inspire
who asks, is the seed that eventually brings us greater strength and inspiration.
conclude by thanking all who have submitted their evaluations, demonstrations of support, giving thanks for the posts, which I can not fail to redirect the Scribe, uniting them my deepest gratitude. Extending also to all those aware of the reality we live and have worked dissemination selflessly working for the progress of the Soul of all Souls.
a fraternal embrace. Alfredo
PS: This reply has been removed from the complete set is sent by email, the sole purpose of facilitating the search for information in the Blogg.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
F6d4050 Linux Drivers
. Eighth Question and Answer PRINT INTERVIEW
by Alfredo Lopez Cruz
Saturday, July 11, 2009.
Dear distinguished ay / a friend:
Once again, I attached a new result of the will of the Scribe, the Eighth ANSWER, which is in line to clarify concepts and ideas and the avoidance of doubt and uncertainties as old as humanity itself ...
I understand that I may die, I now understand the meaning of the word Death. No reason I can define it as will, without time or space without Electricity Magnetism. It gives me some comfort, knowing that my time in this world, I take my time memory. My Knowledge.
Now I would like you to give some light to the meaning of two words. This is the Good and Evil
What is the relationship? Can we eradicate the evil?
Can be Good without Evil?
The Scribe:
To understand the true meaning of Good and Evil, it is necessary to dig a little deeper, the study of Reason and Will.
The commonly accepted meaning of these two words, is misleading.
Good and Evil, there are two different things, not two separate things but two things inseparable. They are two sides of the same unit, the two sides of oneself, the two sides of reality.
Every living thing in the universe, is shown with two faces, two profiles: the left and right. Both are opposites, yet complementary.
Everyone at once: Positive and Negative
, or put another way, male and female, and Good or Bad, or Magnetic and Power, or Reason and Will, or otherwise, we are all built with Space and Time. We are all in the reason Visible and Invisible in the Will.
All these terms mean the same thing. Express the duality of God we all inherited.
The Universal Creation, everything has two sides, everything is formed with two opposite poles. There are a couple of opposites in all living organisms in a unit with proper motion at all be autonomous.
You just can not exist without the other.
You just can not move without the other.
You just can not grow without the other.
is, the space can not exist without the time, can not move or grow.
Neither can exist without the will of Reason, the magnetism without electricity, without the Positive Negative, evil without good, without the Masculine Feminine. Because the reality is dual, everything is built with a pair of opposites. Reason
Our own, our material body is a unit and is dual, built opposite pairs that are complementary.
We constructed two halves, everything is even and everything has its opposite. We observe in our senses, our hearts, our brains, our bodies and our members. The left needs the right leg. The left hand needs its opposite pair. The upper jaw is not much without bottom. Nothing is viable without its opposite pair.
one and only law, governed at all levels of existence, from subatomic particles. From the small scale to larger scales throughout the Universe.
Although they belong to different scales, a subatomic particle, lives and works in a similar way to our planet, in that both have Reason, Will and Attention, ie bulk density, Electric Field and Spin or Free Will. Both are directed at themselves, for themselves. Units are made up of opposite pairs and each pair is formed in turn by another smaller pair.
The same applies to us, with our Reason and our will. An opposed pair in which each part is formed in turn by a couple minor, and each pair is formed in turn by another pair of opposites, even smaller and so on, until the smallest unit, which is not can be split into two.
We observe a magnet, that form two opposite halves break and breaking each half, forming two new halves, also opposed. We can break many times, even the smallest particle, which is indivisible and has its two opposite sides: Magnetic and Electrical.
This is the reality in which we live.
Space and Time. Reason and will, magnetism and electricity. Reality is
Grows Universe
The Calling grows more negative. Adding .
The Giving grows more positive. Subtracting .
Reason is always asking.
Will is always giving.
the beginning of every life, when we were young, we have more reason to will, more force and less wisdom, more memory space than of time. Throughout life, the reason is depleted and growing the Will, the memory of Time. At the end of life, we have more wisdom and less Force. Will we have more than reason.
Earth and the Sun are examples of Reason and Will.
Earth is negative, has more reason than Will, but mass specific electric field, or in other words, more electricity magnetism.
Earth is Reason, The Reason DA LESS AND MORE REQUESTS.
Having More and Less Reason Will we say that the Earth is young Will.
Sun is positive, has more Will that reason, more specific mass electric field, or in other words, more electricity than magnetism.
The Sun is Will. ASK MORE AND LESS DA.
is older, richer in Time, Will.
No is like a sun, Electrical a moon bath Magnetic .
a sun bath is a bath of Will, positive.
A moonlight bath is a bath of Reason, negative.
The Moon has no care, not addressed by the sun, has no proper motion has no Will, therefore, has no electric field. It's just, Reason, only magnetic field.
Those like the sun, give more and ask less, are the oldest souls. For your own will, are closer to the Immortality . In the very near future, will them, the vanguard of the New Humanity.
Can we say that the Planet, the global ratio is bad and selfish because she wants to herself all the energy, all matter that can trap?
It is wrong to judge appearances, because the negative is not evil, but the Force Space Grows, Reason, which by its nature and necessity is Negative.
is a universal principle that grow Reason and Will taking giving .
must understand that the reason it is. Why are all equal, all are willing to "steal" to live.
The law governing the survival and development of space, Reason, is the fittest. The only reason left to govern by the Force. Comprobaréis when you decide what you govern your own Reason.
Strongest uses the weaker to survive.
Although it may seem a violation of the Principle of Universal Justice, Equality , and give us the impression that the Creator is being tough and ruthless, this is a false impression.
Remember that everything has two sides and this truth has them also:
In the pyramid formed by the species, large predators are at the top and the weaker species are at the base, so that the superior species lives on the bottom. This abuse of the strong over the weak is an apparent reality is incomprehensible to us, until we understand that the Plan that supports it is perfect.
To understand this, consider:
First Any species of the pyramid of life, reason and as such, is willing to take for itself all the space you have to share with others.
So, all species need a brake that prevents them from multiplying beyond reason. This is the role of predatory species. The top predator slows development the bottom, to reasonable limits that the species may be allowed, so you can keep all the system's natural balance.
the human species is the exception, it is unlike any other, she has no proper place in the Pyramid of the species has no natural predator, because she is the guardian of the Pyramid.
Indeed, in all species, One Will is shared by all members of the species. Human Will is only the individual and memory of every human being is itself unique, as its Responsibility.
Second species that occupy the base of the pyramid, we consider the weakest and occupying the corner, we consider the strongest, the best survive. But this assessment is incorrect.
actually confuse strength with wealth, power or force in space with time. Ie
The species we considered weaker, smaller, is actually the most rich in that it is able to multiply faster and can afford to pay tribute to the superior species needs to survive . In turn, the superior species is also richer and multiplies faster than the species to which underpins, and so on ...
So, are subatomic particles species smaller size, faster and richer. They are like the Sun, are more electricity and magnetism are the lifeblood of the atoms, the fundamentals of the subject. From the smallest, the hydrogen atom, the atomic species faster, richer and therefore the most abundant in the universe. She supported, in turn, to the superior species, the helium atom, which in turn, is richer and faster than the superior species and so on ... Even the molecules, less rich, less swift than atoms, but richer and faster than the cells they support, etc..
Principle or Cause that makes possible the existence of all species that form the universe is Speed. Space
Initially, a rate higher than that of light, animates the life of the particles that make up the field faster.
This speed, characteristic of each species, is slowing down, from lower to higher species and it (the transfer speed), the Force that makes possible the manifestation of all species. SINGLE SPEED
manifests the universe.
Species we consider to be superior, are actually the poorest, the least fast when multiplied, to have children, to perpetuate.
therefore are the species that we consider below, the fastest, Will they have more than reason, more electricity magnetism species older, richer. GIVE MORE, as the Sun
the superior species, at the apex of the pyramid, the less fast, the poorest, have more reason than Will, most electricity magnetism, are the most young. Get More.
Speed, sustains the universe.
Speed \u200b\u200bgives cohesion to the Universe.
Magnetism and Electricity are two opposing speeds
maintaining the Universal Order.
the planet's mass, its reason, as any reason, is magnetic, negative, attractive.
So, any celestial body that passes by it, smaller, less power of attraction, will be swept away by it, by its magnetism, its power of attraction, and will be integrated into your memory.
By their nature, Reason, it turns out to be more possessive, since all he wants for itself, is always begging for more. As we already know.
addition, we will never see a reasonably satisfied for long, because the universe exists not the magnetism of a single pole. There is the separate positive from negative, so that when one receives one MORE reason, this is always accompanied by his other side, a minus. Everything we received, for good or positive it is, always has its bad side or negative.
Therefore, no one will see your own reason, or any other satisfied much they receive.
As any reason, the Metro does not want, and can not dispose of any material. Minor celestial bodies that attracts to itself, the volcanic material, the bodies of all species of all generations. This becomes his Mass, his report visible, material.
this attractive power of Reason Planetary Science GRAVITY calls.
But in reality, all Reasons, large or small they appear, are magnetic, they can appeal all they want more personal space, more power, more memory, they all want to be More This is the longing of all reason, all the heavenly bodies, of all species.
Science tells us that all the planets, all celestial bodies have gravity. The greater the mass, the greater its power of attraction, the greater its severity.
But to understand what gravity is and where it comes from, observe, in detail, to the Universal Reason, all the reasons that make the Universe, because they are all attractive power, all with magnetism, all have Gravity.
not only the planets or celestial bodies, the ratio of a subatomic particle is also attractive force, gravity itself. An atom, constructed with particles, is more attractive force, the more gravity.
The first particle with mass that appears in the universe, call it The Reason Minor.
is the fundamental unit of matter and energy or otherwise, is the smallest unit with own magnetism and electricity, that is, with reason and will. It is seven times smaller than the electron and much faster. Particle is less than two dimensions. Even
particles are smaller than one dimension, but without appreciable mass, photons, carriers of light.
This struggle for survival that occurs between all Reasons of the universe, among all species, stealing each other, it seems the reality of a cruel world.
However, from the other side of Reality, where Will is visible, the space does not grow so steals, but for what it receives of the Will.
The Light of the Will, electrical, energy grows the space, matter, Reason: Is Memory!
is the light that comes from the time the fourth dimension.
The Principle of Space. Principle of the Universe ... Materialize the first particles, the prime reason for the universe.
His detailed observation some interesting revelations and gives validity to the old axiom: "As above so below."
The reason subatomic particle, its visible face, the way a magnetic field, negative, your turn is to the left, like a storm, counter clockwise. Produces a force absorbing, engaging. Is a centripetal force inward, which uses magnetism, its power of attraction, to attract or be attracted.
For better time, let's detail how exactly how this tiny magnetic field and what causes it, because if we stop their speed, the field vanishes, appears to have come from nowhere. But as we know Alfredo, nothing there and I want to give time for reflection, to discover for yourself cause of this fact, proven by science.
However, the Principle of Universal Gravitation is in the ratio of the electromagnetic particle. Reason Minor.
human Reason, formed as we know from smaller reasons, works basically the same as that of a particle. For this reason, we were all keen to improve and beautify all we can, our reason, physical appearance, to increase its attractiveness. Reason
In all species we find this need to increase its attractiveness, its Magnetism.
Magnetism is a force. Electricity is a power.
On the positive side of the particle, its invisible, Will particle, is an electric field, positive, your shift is toward the Right, like that of an anticyclone. Produces an expansive force, centrifuged out. The particle used this power to repel or expel any invader.
the human will also work similarly. When someone comes to us too and we feel invaded, we use the will to expel him, with his most powerful weapon, invisible, electric, ie
word y. .. cry Out!
Certainly, we can use reason to push, push, and the Will to attract, positive words. As already explained, there is no magnetic monopole as Reason, always negative, as the Will, always positive, they both turn them over to his opposite side.
we therefore conclude that the space is negative, Reason, and Time is positive, it will, but it is misleading to say that one is bad and the other is Good.
simply the way things are:
The reason is space, is of a visible, material, magnetic, negative, feminine, sexy, possessive, centripetal. As Earth.
While Will is light, it is time, nature is invisible, intangible, electric, positive, masculine, expansive, centrifugal. Like the Sun, who has more will than Reason.
All the Time gives, steals space.
Everything that comes from the Will, is appropriated Reason.
For now, this is the reality in which we live.
But this reality did not last much longer.
After Tribulations time, see the end of evil, shall see the end of this opposition between Good and Evil, to the opposition between reason and will.
all change very soon, all opposition end and evil will be revealed.
While Universal Space continues to grow, you will not see eradicated the evil that subdues humanity.
For now, you have to understand that space and time are the opposite pair of the same reality, each unit. The Universe.
's Weather Report.
Space is the embodiment of that memory.
Notes that, while the phase space is expansive, growing in all directions, the time on the other hand, is declining phase, waning.
Every moment that the space grows by adding material, which is memory, it is also an instant unless you subtract the time for reaching its Final .
When the time runs out, the expansion of the universe will end. The report, which is the Time, we will finally materialized in space. Perfection can see the end of space. This is the purpose of Time.
When the universe reaches its final perfection, the perfect time to submit our will and our reason, you are finished.
Those who took the path of reason will be sorry.
Those who took the path of the Will will be away from Death.
Over the last moment of Time, Space will show the true meaning of the word PERFECTION .
To Space, see the end of the opposites, the end of Evil
This does not mean that evil will disappear, but the Well, Will, the Positive, Time, electricity, invisible ... all will be visible , we see it. Finally we see the Good with the Bad, and have been since the beginning of the universe.
The comparison between them, have such impact on us, on all humanity, that evil will lose all chance of development.
Attention and Will it be relegated to the status of a server and will begin a new era for mankind.
Reason lose the Throne of Power and will occupy the Will.
The Reality of Space and Time will be over and start a New Reality for Humanity. The Age of Light and Color.
Finally, the darkness of space will be nullified by the Light of Time.
End of the Eighth Response.
Evil and Good, star of one of the most ancient controversy of any philosophy or religion, now, after this Answer loses radiance, controversial, right?
Until the next reply.
a fraternal embrace.
Alfredo López.
by Alfredo Lopez Cruz
Saturday, July 11, 2009.
Dear distinguished ay / a friend:
Once again, I attached a new result of the will of the Scribe, the Eighth ANSWER, which is in line to clarify concepts and ideas and the avoidance of doubt and uncertainties as old as humanity itself ...
I understand that I may die, I now understand the meaning of the word Death. No reason I can define it as will, without time or space without Electricity Magnetism. It gives me some comfort, knowing that my time in this world, I take my time memory. My Knowledge.
Now I would like you to give some light to the meaning of two words. This is the Good and Evil
What is the relationship? Can we eradicate the evil?
Can be Good without Evil?
The Scribe:
To understand the true meaning of Good and Evil, it is necessary to dig a little deeper, the study of Reason and Will.
The commonly accepted meaning of these two words, is misleading.
Good and Evil, there are two different things, not two separate things but two things inseparable. They are two sides of the same unit, the two sides of oneself, the two sides of reality.
Every living thing in the universe, is shown with two faces, two profiles: the left and right. Both are opposites, yet complementary.
Everyone at once: Positive and Negative
, or put another way, male and female, and Good or Bad, or Magnetic and Power, or Reason and Will, or otherwise, we are all built with Space and Time. We are all in the reason Visible and Invisible in the Will.
All these terms mean the same thing. Express the duality of God we all inherited.
The Universal Creation, everything has two sides, everything is formed with two opposite poles. There are a couple of opposites in all living organisms in a unit with proper motion at all be autonomous.
You just can not exist without the other.
You just can not move without the other.
You just can not grow without the other.
is, the space can not exist without the time, can not move or grow.
Neither can exist without the will of Reason, the magnetism without electricity, without the Positive Negative, evil without good, without the Masculine Feminine. Because the reality is dual, everything is built with a pair of opposites. Reason
Our own, our material body is a unit and is dual, built opposite pairs that are complementary.
We constructed two halves, everything is even and everything has its opposite. We observe in our senses, our hearts, our brains, our bodies and our members. The left needs the right leg. The left hand needs its opposite pair. The upper jaw is not much without bottom. Nothing is viable without its opposite pair.
one and only law, governed at all levels of existence, from subatomic particles. From the small scale to larger scales throughout the Universe.
Although they belong to different scales, a subatomic particle, lives and works in a similar way to our planet, in that both have Reason, Will and Attention, ie bulk density, Electric Field and Spin or Free Will. Both are directed at themselves, for themselves. Units are made up of opposite pairs and each pair is formed in turn by another smaller pair.
The same applies to us, with our Reason and our will. An opposed pair in which each part is formed in turn by a couple minor, and each pair is formed in turn by another pair of opposites, even smaller and so on, until the smallest unit, which is not can be split into two.
We observe a magnet, that form two opposite halves break and breaking each half, forming two new halves, also opposed. We can break many times, even the smallest particle, which is indivisible and has its two opposite sides: Magnetic and Electrical.
This is the reality in which we live.
Space and Time. Reason and will, magnetism and electricity. Reality is
Grows Universe
The Calling grows more negative. Adding .
The Giving grows more positive. Subtracting .
Reason is always asking.
Will is always giving.
the beginning of every life, when we were young, we have more reason to will, more force and less wisdom, more memory space than of time. Throughout life, the reason is depleted and growing the Will, the memory of Time. At the end of life, we have more wisdom and less Force. Will we have more than reason.
Earth and the Sun are examples of Reason and Will.
Earth is negative, has more reason than Will, but mass specific electric field, or in other words, more electricity magnetism.
Earth is Reason, The Reason DA LESS AND MORE REQUESTS.
Having More and Less Reason Will we say that the Earth is young Will.
Sun is positive, has more Will that reason, more specific mass electric field, or in other words, more electricity than magnetism.
The Sun is Will. ASK MORE AND LESS DA.
is older, richer in Time, Will.
No is like a sun, Electrical a moon bath Magnetic .
a sun bath is a bath of Will, positive.
A moonlight bath is a bath of Reason, negative.
The Moon has no care, not addressed by the sun, has no proper motion has no Will, therefore, has no electric field. It's just, Reason, only magnetic field.
Those like the sun, give more and ask less, are the oldest souls. For your own will, are closer to the Immortality . In the very near future, will them, the vanguard of the New Humanity.
Can we say that the Planet, the global ratio is bad and selfish because she wants to herself all the energy, all matter that can trap?
It is wrong to judge appearances, because the negative is not evil, but the Force Space Grows, Reason, which by its nature and necessity is Negative.
is a universal principle that grow Reason and Will taking giving .
must understand that the reason it is. Why are all equal, all are willing to "steal" to live.
The law governing the survival and development of space, Reason, is the fittest. The only reason left to govern by the Force. Comprobaréis when you decide what you govern your own Reason.
Strongest uses the weaker to survive.
Although it may seem a violation of the Principle of Universal Justice, Equality , and give us the impression that the Creator is being tough and ruthless, this is a false impression.
Remember that everything has two sides and this truth has them also:
In the pyramid formed by the species, large predators are at the top and the weaker species are at the base, so that the superior species lives on the bottom. This abuse of the strong over the weak is an apparent reality is incomprehensible to us, until we understand that the Plan that supports it is perfect.
To understand this, consider:
First Any species of the pyramid of life, reason and as such, is willing to take for itself all the space you have to share with others.
So, all species need a brake that prevents them from multiplying beyond reason. This is the role of predatory species. The top predator slows development the bottom, to reasonable limits that the species may be allowed, so you can keep all the system's natural balance.
the human species is the exception, it is unlike any other, she has no proper place in the Pyramid of the species has no natural predator, because she is the guardian of the Pyramid.
Indeed, in all species, One Will is shared by all members of the species. Human Will is only the individual and memory of every human being is itself unique, as its Responsibility.
Second species that occupy the base of the pyramid, we consider the weakest and occupying the corner, we consider the strongest, the best survive. But this assessment is incorrect.
actually confuse strength with wealth, power or force in space with time. Ie
The species we considered weaker, smaller, is actually the most rich in that it is able to multiply faster and can afford to pay tribute to the superior species needs to survive . In turn, the superior species is also richer and multiplies faster than the species to which underpins, and so on ...
So, are subatomic particles species smaller size, faster and richer. They are like the Sun, are more electricity and magnetism are the lifeblood of the atoms, the fundamentals of the subject. From the smallest, the hydrogen atom, the atomic species faster, richer and therefore the most abundant in the universe. She supported, in turn, to the superior species, the helium atom, which in turn, is richer and faster than the superior species and so on ... Even the molecules, less rich, less swift than atoms, but richer and faster than the cells they support, etc..
Principle or Cause that makes possible the existence of all species that form the universe is Speed. Space
Initially, a rate higher than that of light, animates the life of the particles that make up the field faster.
This speed, characteristic of each species, is slowing down, from lower to higher species and it (the transfer speed), the Force that makes possible the manifestation of all species. SINGLE SPEED
manifests the universe.
Species we consider to be superior, are actually the poorest, the least fast when multiplied, to have children, to perpetuate.
therefore are the species that we consider below, the fastest, Will they have more than reason, more electricity magnetism species older, richer. GIVE MORE, as the Sun
the superior species, at the apex of the pyramid, the less fast, the poorest, have more reason than Will, most electricity magnetism, are the most young. Get More.
Speed, sustains the universe.
Speed \u200b\u200bgives cohesion to the Universe.
Magnetism and Electricity are two opposing speeds
maintaining the Universal Order.
the planet's mass, its reason, as any reason, is magnetic, negative, attractive.
So, any celestial body that passes by it, smaller, less power of attraction, will be swept away by it, by its magnetism, its power of attraction, and will be integrated into your memory.
By their nature, Reason, it turns out to be more possessive, since all he wants for itself, is always begging for more. As we already know.
addition, we will never see a reasonably satisfied for long, because the universe exists not the magnetism of a single pole. There is the separate positive from negative, so that when one receives one MORE reason, this is always accompanied by his other side, a minus. Everything we received, for good or positive it is, always has its bad side or negative.
Therefore, no one will see your own reason, or any other satisfied much they receive.
As any reason, the Metro does not want, and can not dispose of any material. Minor celestial bodies that attracts to itself, the volcanic material, the bodies of all species of all generations. This becomes his Mass, his report visible, material.
this attractive power of Reason Planetary Science GRAVITY calls.
But in reality, all Reasons, large or small they appear, are magnetic, they can appeal all they want more personal space, more power, more memory, they all want to be More This is the longing of all reason, all the heavenly bodies, of all species.
Science tells us that all the planets, all celestial bodies have gravity. The greater the mass, the greater its power of attraction, the greater its severity.
But to understand what gravity is and where it comes from, observe, in detail, to the Universal Reason, all the reasons that make the Universe, because they are all attractive power, all with magnetism, all have Gravity.
not only the planets or celestial bodies, the ratio of a subatomic particle is also attractive force, gravity itself. An atom, constructed with particles, is more attractive force, the more gravity.
The first particle with mass that appears in the universe, call it The Reason Minor.
is the fundamental unit of matter and energy or otherwise, is the smallest unit with own magnetism and electricity, that is, with reason and will. It is seven times smaller than the electron and much faster. Particle is less than two dimensions. Even
particles are smaller than one dimension, but without appreciable mass, photons, carriers of light.
This struggle for survival that occurs between all Reasons of the universe, among all species, stealing each other, it seems the reality of a cruel world.
However, from the other side of Reality, where Will is visible, the space does not grow so steals, but for what it receives of the Will.
The Light of the Will, electrical, energy grows the space, matter, Reason: Is Memory!
is the light that comes from the time the fourth dimension.
The Principle of Space. Principle of the Universe ... Materialize the first particles, the prime reason for the universe.
His detailed observation some interesting revelations and gives validity to the old axiom: "As above so below."
The reason subatomic particle, its visible face, the way a magnetic field, negative, your turn is to the left, like a storm, counter clockwise. Produces a force absorbing, engaging. Is a centripetal force inward, which uses magnetism, its power of attraction, to attract or be attracted.
For better time, let's detail how exactly how this tiny magnetic field and what causes it, because if we stop their speed, the field vanishes, appears to have come from nowhere. But as we know Alfredo, nothing there and I want to give time for reflection, to discover for yourself cause of this fact, proven by science.
However, the Principle of Universal Gravitation is in the ratio of the electromagnetic particle. Reason Minor.
human Reason, formed as we know from smaller reasons, works basically the same as that of a particle. For this reason, we were all keen to improve and beautify all we can, our reason, physical appearance, to increase its attractiveness. Reason
In all species we find this need to increase its attractiveness, its Magnetism.
Magnetism is a force. Electricity is a power.
On the positive side of the particle, its invisible, Will particle, is an electric field, positive, your shift is toward the Right, like that of an anticyclone. Produces an expansive force, centrifuged out. The particle used this power to repel or expel any invader.
the human will also work similarly. When someone comes to us too and we feel invaded, we use the will to expel him, with his most powerful weapon, invisible, electric, ie
word y. .. cry Out!
Certainly, we can use reason to push, push, and the Will to attract, positive words. As already explained, there is no magnetic monopole as Reason, always negative, as the Will, always positive, they both turn them over to his opposite side.
we therefore conclude that the space is negative, Reason, and Time is positive, it will, but it is misleading to say that one is bad and the other is Good.
simply the way things are:
The reason is space, is of a visible, material, magnetic, negative, feminine, sexy, possessive, centripetal. As Earth.
While Will is light, it is time, nature is invisible, intangible, electric, positive, masculine, expansive, centrifugal. Like the Sun, who has more will than Reason.
All the Time gives, steals space.
Everything that comes from the Will, is appropriated Reason.
For now, this is the reality in which we live.
But this reality did not last much longer.
After Tribulations time, see the end of evil, shall see the end of this opposition between Good and Evil, to the opposition between reason and will.
all change very soon, all opposition end and evil will be revealed.
While Universal Space continues to grow, you will not see eradicated the evil that subdues humanity.
For now, you have to understand that space and time are the opposite pair of the same reality, each unit. The Universe.
's Weather Report.
Space is the embodiment of that memory.
Notes that, while the phase space is expansive, growing in all directions, the time on the other hand, is declining phase, waning.
Every moment that the space grows by adding material, which is memory, it is also an instant unless you subtract the time for reaching its Final .
When the time runs out, the expansion of the universe will end. The report, which is the Time, we will finally materialized in space. Perfection can see the end of space. This is the purpose of Time.
When the universe reaches its final perfection, the perfect time to submit our will and our reason, you are finished.
Those who took the path of reason will be sorry.
Those who took the path of the Will will be away from Death.
Over the last moment of Time, Space will show the true meaning of the word PERFECTION .
To Space, see the end of the opposites, the end of Evil
This does not mean that evil will disappear, but the Well, Will, the Positive, Time, electricity, invisible ... all will be visible , we see it. Finally we see the Good with the Bad, and have been since the beginning of the universe.
The comparison between them, have such impact on us, on all humanity, that evil will lose all chance of development.
Attention and Will it be relegated to the status of a server and will begin a new era for mankind.
Reason lose the Throne of Power and will occupy the Will.
The Reality of Space and Time will be over and start a New Reality for Humanity. The Age of Light and Color.
Finally, the darkness of space will be nullified by the Light of Time.
End of the Eighth Response.
Evil and Good, star of one of the most ancient controversy of any philosophy or religion, now, after this Answer loses radiance, controversial, right?
Until the next reply.
a fraternal embrace.
Alfredo López.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Centerpieces For Graduation
. Seventh question and answer.
by Alfredo Lopez Cruz
Saturday, July 4, 2009.
Dear distinguished ay / a friend:
up to our increasingly desired, weekly appointment, once again, I attached the SEVENTH ANSWER , improving, if anything, the expectations raised by previous . Read, read ...
- Alfredo:
Why do we have to die?
- The Type:
To uncover the mystery that is death to ask yourself before What is death? Who actually dies? Who am I?
Truly I tell you, Alfredo, who is alive can not die. The origin of life is not in this world.
Because of ignorance of the reality which is God and His plan for each of us spend our lives running from death, without understanding what is Death.
live back to the reality that we live, running after the ideals of the mind, to stumble with frustration, pain and death. Confusing wasting our lives and the purpose thereof, which is none other than the return to where you came from, having gained the knowledge of the Cause of all things, to enjoy, at last, Freedom, happiness and fulfillment, typical of Immortality and Eternity committed to us as children of God . Children from his care, his reason and his will.
God is to pray. If a father wants to teach the trade to his son and this is dedicated to prayer, the Father is in despair.
It is good that we are grateful to the Great Creator, our Father, but what He expects of us is all our attention, our best thinking and our understanding.
The Fullness of the Spirit is achieved by understanding the wholeness that is him
not praying as we move more quickly to the Creator, but by following his steps, understanding their work. The reality that shows us the reality in which we live and move and have our Being
Thus, the study of Space and Time, in reality, his reason and his will, are necessary steps to achieve understanding GOD practice.
As you understand, we get closer to Him His plan is to give each of its parts memory of wholeness that the ES. We are all part of it, we all make our own consciousness of God, his memory.
For our origins, we are all doomed to be gods, to share with him his Perfection its fullness, his eternity.
wants to teach the truth that we are and we can achieve perfection.
But instead of being attentive to his work, that the time is showing us from moment to moment, we turn our backs and we strive to lead us into space, which is Death.
Who are afraid of the word Death not understand its true meaning.
True Death reigns in this world of Three Dimensions. Our physical body, our Reason itself is built of matter of this world, and as such, is subject to the laws governing matter, space, which happens to be cold, inert, dead.
Space is one thing and another thing is the life that animates the space. Who encouraged
Space, who gives mobility, movement, is Time.
Without understanding the true meaning of Time can not understand the meaning of life. How it manifests itself, where it came from and where it originated.
Most people try to project their lives as they wish, regardless of the factor, Time. is why most people see their own frustrated expectations, see how their desires collide with the reality that, as an invisible hand governs our lives. They live back to the reality that Time is .
Only a few live in front, becoming alerts, alert to now, the reality that is renewed every moment, analyzing developments brings Time, the biggest determinant of our lives.
These few do not need guidance, they are not lost, they learn to read the signs giving the time. No need help getting out of the monotony of their lives, because their lives are not focused only to the monotony of space, repetition of the already known. For these, life's constant renewal, adventure, learning, experimentation, Love, Wisdom, and uncertainty.
The lives of these few is as a straight line, do not live walking around, back and forth, running his days in a senseless, trying to fill their lives, blind to the reality around them, letting others even blind, seducing them with false promises of security, pleasure and happiness.
can not get out of your life if you do not know who you are, if you do not know the origin of life that encourages you, if you ignore the history of Time, the channel through which to run our lives, individually and collectively.
Who are you really? Discusses
three voices in you.
The first, always wants to be.
The second wanting everything.
The third want to know everything.
Who's who?
In the above have revealed the Trinity that is in every human. Everyone
Care, Reason and Will.
I am, says Care.
I have, says Reason.
I know, says Will.
What is our true identity?
The great philosophers have tried to answer this question, but still still unclear the relationship between Mind, Will and Free Will .
was the German philosopher, a disciple of Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer who said that Will is the true Self, which is the essential force of reality and that the action of the Will is irrational.
This answer to be from the rough, you need to be clarified, and the current belief that confuses Will the Free Will.
We therefore define these concepts more precisely, it is necessary in order to understand ourselves.
The Free Attention will is. I'm
The body and the mind is Reason. I have.
The electric field is Will. I know.
know the origin of the note, the reason and will give us a greater understanding of who we really are.
Where does Care? Why do you want to live forever?
The Care not from the area or the weather.
is not built with magnetism, like Space.
is not built with power and time.
Attention is Spirit.
Attention comes from a reality that exists beyond space and time, beyond the Third and the Fourth Dimension.
Our Care is a fragment of greater attention,
UNIT capitalized, that contains ALL, GOD FATHER, THE ONE.
Attention is born of the Father and Mother. Attention is Spirit, has no beginning or end, is eternal, it is LIFE.
Attention is not born, but is emancipated GOD FATHER.
Attention Principle of Eternal Life is Free Will.
Once emancipated from God the Father, Care, Guiding Principle, it has its own memory. Free Will is that in principle knows nothing.
Therefore, to become aware of Reality which is the Area, The Reason for God and Time, God's Will, Care needs a body made of space, matter, and another time, Light.
A body visible and one invisible.
The Reason body is visible, the invisible is Will. Reason is
Memory Space, Will is the memory of time.
Reason is built with magnetism, like Space.
The Will is built with electricity, as Time. Attention is
who answers when they call you by name. Habitual residence is behind your eyes. can "play" distance. Do not move from here to there, is not addressed by the space nor the time. Attention transcends them. Simply "lies" here or there to instantaneous velocity.
Whence Reason? Why do you want it all?
already know that the reason is the body and mind.
Space is our memory, our spatial awareness, the movements recorded by the space. It helps us move through it, our memory is superficial, our memory Reactive is independent of the will and intended survive above all else.
The Principle of Reason, his greatest desire is Security.
The origin of Reason is in this three dimensional world, their roots are submerged in the depths of the earth. Many generations lie beneath his feet as another reality and memory last, and built-in Memory of the World.
The reason is memory physically present, it represents the memory of all the generations that have preceded it, we are adding memory generation after generation passing it on from parents to offspring through DNA.
The reason is constructed with space, matter, and is subject to the laws governing space. That is, our reason works like the space itself. Both grow by adding power, adding memory.
As the space is of a material nature, magnetic, negative, attractive, gravitational, which attracts to itself all that can attract, like Earth. Reason is also a memory material, magnetic, negative, attractive, who happens to be possessive to beyond what is reasonable.
want it all, enjoy it all. Never satisfied. Always asks for more.
This memory is autonomous, not the reason for know reason we call it, but on the contrary, because it wastes time to reason, to any situation in any danger, the report merely reactive to react the best way he knows to survive better. Without stopping to consider if you leave the danger to others. It is quite Irrational. Unlike
Care, Reason if born, if you father and mother. In the universe, the reason is always inherited from a mother. Our mother is the mother of all Spaces. GOD MOTHER.
All the reasons have a beginning and an end in time, but for the reason, death is just renewal, another step towards perfection.
A necessary step to be provided by any seed that emerges from the mother plant to reach the Fall, to be renewed in the next spring and continue completing and perfecting the memory of the species to which it belongs.
Our reason is memory with a physical presence that integrates and disintegrates to re-integrate into the next generation, like any other seed-dimensional space.
is important for everyone to understand that our reason is a physical space within the universe and how all the spaces with their own place in the universe has three dimensions: length, width and high.
But having three dimensions does not mean to be alive, because when we die, we are still three dimensional. Life is not visible in Space , belongs to space. In the space we can only see death, because death is characteristic of space and recognize for their immobility, lack of warmth and stiffness.
A body has length, width and height, however, does not move, it is hard and cold as space.
What is the difference between being alive or dead?
A No reason life has no proper motion. At death, all the organs lose their movement, their warmth and flexibility.
What actually happens at death?
Why lose signs of life that we recognize as momentum, heat and flexibility?
Who or what gives us the visible signs of life?
For life, in itself, can not see it.
Life is like the wind, we can see the movement that occurs in space, but the wind itself can not see.
dimensional space is cold, rigid, is inert. The heat, flexibility, movement, are not specific to the area, but of Time, The Fourth Dimension.
Is the Time, nature electric, invisible, who builds and sustains our electric field, Will.
Where does the Will? Why do you want to know everything?
Will is our memory of the time. Our time-consciousness, records the events of time and with them builds his memory.
is our deep memory, our memory reflective, independent of the memory of Reason, in fact, both memories are opposite and complementary, like our left and our right hand.
The principle governing the Will, his greatest desire is Freedom. The origin of
Will is not in this three dimensional world, their roots are not in space but in time. It feeds the time, adding memory does not grow, it is not magnetic and memory space.
memory of Will is invisible, intangible, like Time. Is light.
Will adding memory does not grow as the space, but grows subtracted as Time. Time Will brings his own inspiration and renewed grows. To the extent that delivery his old inspiration, receives the time, new inspiration.
memory of Will, electrical, electricity as we all know, is not made to be saved or stored, but to make it run, to be consumed without fear of exhausting it, because knowing it can reach Will it be inexhaustible.
Our memory is interactive, you need to interact, communicate, teach what you know. Learn teaching is inspiration itself and the better teaching, more inspired you are.
is a universal principle that energy, and the report is energy, always moves from where there is more to where there is LESS.
So, the key to growing our knowledge is to teach what we know as soon as possible who need it most, who are hungry for knowledge.
So to the extent that we teach more, knowing we will receive the time, the greater our electric field, the greater our will, the greater our Real Power. Saving
what we know, the human species will not grow in wisdom and ourselves, we lose the much needed inspiration our Soul, that is our will.
By its very nature, the will is thoughtful, analytical, logical. Thirsty for knowledge, wants to know everything. Memory power is positive, expansive, generous, enjoys teaching what she knows.
Will is the daughter of Time, the daughter of the truth behind the time. That is why, she love, above all, THE TRUTH, foundation of Liberty.
If, as we know, the Service has eternal life, not born, has no beginning and no end, contrary to our reason material, subject to the laws of space, born to die, to renew, to perfect a step more in each generation.
Will not last forever and it is not fatal, is built with memory of Time, memory, electrical, invisible, intangible memory you have in each one of us a beginning, the beginning of our own memory, individual, that is giving us identity, awareness of who we are. This report builds our invisible body, Will, is both a beginning but no end. is immortal.
Attention. IS ETERNAL. I am who I am.
Reason. Is mortal. I am who has .
Will. Is immortal. I am who knows .
other words:
Attention is and from the Holy Spirit. Reason is
Space and Space appropriate. Will is
Time and proceeds of Time.
And that's how you identify our three voices: I'm
Care, free will. Who I am gives life to Reason.
I'm the reason, awareness of space, I have a physical presence. I
Magnetic Memory.
Will I Am, awareness of time, my presence is light, I
Memory Power.
So, the reason is space, cold, inert, dead
Who gives life is the care.
Who gives movement is Will. It
now reflect more on the true meaning of the word time.
The reality of time that our ancestors lived is not the same reality as lived our parents, nor is the same as we live.
The reality we live today is not the same as live yesterday, or is the same as we live tomorrow.
The area that makes up the reality we live not for even a moment, is on the move, in a permanent change. From moment to moment, this changing, moving, always forward, toward the future and this sequence of movements, moments, they recorded, they nourish and build our memory. We perceive
now as a succession of moments, movements, at a constant speed.
this Space movement, this constant succession of movements in the area we call Time.
Time is moving at a constant speed of moving space.
To understand this, observes the performance of a film. The film depicts a series of snapshots, moments fixed, seeing them at a constant charge movement.
If we stop the rate at which visualize the film, the movement of images slows down and if we stop at all the speed, the illusion of movement fades away, the movie, like space, has no movement own.
Movement is
Time Time is the speed that makes us see the movement space.
Space Movement is an illusion,
who actually moves is the time.
Space has no proper motion.
To complete answer, Alfredo, we review the most important to reach the final conclusion about the death.
believe that the space in which we move and live is live, as we believe that our reason, our physical body has its own life. But this is an illusion.
Life does not belong to space, space is inert matter dark, cold. Any material in this world space has three dimensions, as any body, but to view charge movement, needs the time. The Fourth Dimension. In other words, the Will invisible.
Space can not move without the weather.
Reason can not move without the will.
Time is electrical in nature, as the Will,
Without electricity there is no movement. Who encouraged
Space is Time. Who
encourages our Reason, who gets the electricity
movement of the Will.
Without electric field, without Will, Reason is like a robot out of battery power. It's just a lot of material ordered.
Space without time is inert matter. Is Death.
Will can not die, as we have explained, is built on time and takes many lives to it.
Reason is thus a dead puppet, a dead body without the power needed to move the heart, neurons, nervous system and, in short, every organ, cell, molecule, atom and particle shape to give your body human. Human reason.
Without Will no body to move by itself.
The fetus moves in the womb thanks to the power of the electric field mother, ie the will of the mother. So, if by separating the infant from its mother, is not occupied by a Will, Reason does not charge motion. Outside
maternal electric field can only develop a lifeless body, ordered space, inanimate Reason.
Being built with power, the will is invisible, but electricity as heat leaves in its wake, also Will, our electric field, warms the body and we are leaving a trail of heat where we go.
So it is logical and normal that when you return to the Time Will she be, well illness, accident or old age, the ratio remains motionless, cold, rigid, as it is, a space without time, without electricity, without Will.
As you can understand, Alfredo:
can not die because he has never been alive
As you know:
is Life Care.
Movement is of the Will.
What an illusion, is to make us believe that there is more to life than we see in Reason
As you can see, Alfredo, also
the most illusionistic ...
End of the seventh Response.
know a little ... right?
until next Saturday.
a fraternal embrace. Alfredo
by Alfredo Lopez Cruz
Saturday, July 4, 2009.
Dear distinguished ay / a friend:
up to our increasingly desired, weekly appointment, once again, I attached the SEVENTH ANSWER , improving, if anything, the expectations raised by previous . Read, read ...
- Alfredo:
Why do we have to die?
- The Type:
To uncover the mystery that is death to ask yourself before What is death? Who actually dies? Who am I?
Truly I tell you, Alfredo, who is alive can not die. The origin of life is not in this world.
Because of ignorance of the reality which is God and His plan for each of us spend our lives running from death, without understanding what is Death.
live back to the reality that we live, running after the ideals of the mind, to stumble with frustration, pain and death. Confusing wasting our lives and the purpose thereof, which is none other than the return to where you came from, having gained the knowledge of the Cause of all things, to enjoy, at last, Freedom, happiness and fulfillment, typical of Immortality and Eternity committed to us as children of God . Children from his care, his reason and his will.
God is to pray. If a father wants to teach the trade to his son and this is dedicated to prayer, the Father is in despair.
It is good that we are grateful to the Great Creator, our Father, but what He expects of us is all our attention, our best thinking and our understanding.
The Fullness of the Spirit is achieved by understanding the wholeness that is him
not praying as we move more quickly to the Creator, but by following his steps, understanding their work. The reality that shows us the reality in which we live and move and have our Being
Thus, the study of Space and Time, in reality, his reason and his will, are necessary steps to achieve understanding GOD practice.
As you understand, we get closer to Him His plan is to give each of its parts memory of wholeness that the ES. We are all part of it, we all make our own consciousness of God, his memory.
For our origins, we are all doomed to be gods, to share with him his Perfection its fullness, his eternity.
wants to teach the truth that we are and we can achieve perfection.
But instead of being attentive to his work, that the time is showing us from moment to moment, we turn our backs and we strive to lead us into space, which is Death.
Who are afraid of the word Death not understand its true meaning.
True Death reigns in this world of Three Dimensions. Our physical body, our Reason itself is built of matter of this world, and as such, is subject to the laws governing matter, space, which happens to be cold, inert, dead.
Space is one thing and another thing is the life that animates the space. Who encouraged
Space, who gives mobility, movement, is Time.
Without understanding the true meaning of Time can not understand the meaning of life. How it manifests itself, where it came from and where it originated.
Most people try to project their lives as they wish, regardless of the factor, Time. is why most people see their own frustrated expectations, see how their desires collide with the reality that, as an invisible hand governs our lives. They live back to the reality that Time is .
Only a few live in front, becoming alerts, alert to now, the reality that is renewed every moment, analyzing developments brings Time, the biggest determinant of our lives.
These few do not need guidance, they are not lost, they learn to read the signs giving the time. No need help getting out of the monotony of their lives, because their lives are not focused only to the monotony of space, repetition of the already known. For these, life's constant renewal, adventure, learning, experimentation, Love, Wisdom, and uncertainty.
The lives of these few is as a straight line, do not live walking around, back and forth, running his days in a senseless, trying to fill their lives, blind to the reality around them, letting others even blind, seducing them with false promises of security, pleasure and happiness.
can not get out of your life if you do not know who you are, if you do not know the origin of life that encourages you, if you ignore the history of Time, the channel through which to run our lives, individually and collectively.
Who are you really? Discusses
three voices in you.
The first, always wants to be.
The second wanting everything.
The third want to know everything.
Who's who?
In the above have revealed the Trinity that is in every human. Everyone
Care, Reason and Will.
I am, says Care.
I have, says Reason.
I know, says Will.
What is our true identity?
The great philosophers have tried to answer this question, but still still unclear the relationship between Mind, Will and Free Will .
was the German philosopher, a disciple of Kant, Arthur Schopenhauer who said that Will is the true Self, which is the essential force of reality and that the action of the Will is irrational.
This answer to be from the rough, you need to be clarified, and the current belief that confuses Will the Free Will.
We therefore define these concepts more precisely, it is necessary in order to understand ourselves.
The Free Attention will is. I'm
The body and the mind is Reason. I have.
The electric field is Will. I know.
know the origin of the note, the reason and will give us a greater understanding of who we really are.
Where does Care? Why do you want to live forever?
The Care not from the area or the weather.
is not built with magnetism, like Space.
is not built with power and time.
Attention is Spirit.
Attention comes from a reality that exists beyond space and time, beyond the Third and the Fourth Dimension.
Our Care is a fragment of greater attention,
UNIT capitalized, that contains ALL, GOD FATHER, THE ONE.
Attention is born of the Father and Mother. Attention is Spirit, has no beginning or end, is eternal, it is LIFE.
Attention is not born, but is emancipated GOD FATHER.
Attention Principle of Eternal Life is Free Will.
Once emancipated from God the Father, Care, Guiding Principle, it has its own memory. Free Will is that in principle knows nothing.
Therefore, to become aware of Reality which is the Area, The Reason for God and Time, God's Will, Care needs a body made of space, matter, and another time, Light.
A body visible and one invisible.
The Reason body is visible, the invisible is Will. Reason is
Memory Space, Will is the memory of time.
Reason is built with magnetism, like Space.
The Will is built with electricity, as Time. Attention is
who answers when they call you by name. Habitual residence is behind your eyes. can "play" distance. Do not move from here to there, is not addressed by the space nor the time. Attention transcends them. Simply "lies" here or there to instantaneous velocity.
Whence Reason? Why do you want it all?
already know that the reason is the body and mind.
Space is our memory, our spatial awareness, the movements recorded by the space. It helps us move through it, our memory is superficial, our memory Reactive is independent of the will and intended survive above all else.
The Principle of Reason, his greatest desire is Security.
The origin of Reason is in this three dimensional world, their roots are submerged in the depths of the earth. Many generations lie beneath his feet as another reality and memory last, and built-in Memory of the World.
The reason is memory physically present, it represents the memory of all the generations that have preceded it, we are adding memory generation after generation passing it on from parents to offspring through DNA.
The reason is constructed with space, matter, and is subject to the laws governing space. That is, our reason works like the space itself. Both grow by adding power, adding memory.
As the space is of a material nature, magnetic, negative, attractive, gravitational, which attracts to itself all that can attract, like Earth. Reason is also a memory material, magnetic, negative, attractive, who happens to be possessive to beyond what is reasonable.
want it all, enjoy it all. Never satisfied. Always asks for more.
This memory is autonomous, not the reason for know reason we call it, but on the contrary, because it wastes time to reason, to any situation in any danger, the report merely reactive to react the best way he knows to survive better. Without stopping to consider if you leave the danger to others. It is quite Irrational. Unlike
Care, Reason if born, if you father and mother. In the universe, the reason is always inherited from a mother. Our mother is the mother of all Spaces. GOD MOTHER.
All the reasons have a beginning and an end in time, but for the reason, death is just renewal, another step towards perfection.
A necessary step to be provided by any seed that emerges from the mother plant to reach the Fall, to be renewed in the next spring and continue completing and perfecting the memory of the species to which it belongs.
Our reason is memory with a physical presence that integrates and disintegrates to re-integrate into the next generation, like any other seed-dimensional space.
is important for everyone to understand that our reason is a physical space within the universe and how all the spaces with their own place in the universe has three dimensions: length, width and high.
But having three dimensions does not mean to be alive, because when we die, we are still three dimensional. Life is not visible in Space , belongs to space. In the space we can only see death, because death is characteristic of space and recognize for their immobility, lack of warmth and stiffness.
A body has length, width and height, however, does not move, it is hard and cold as space.
What is the difference between being alive or dead?
A No reason life has no proper motion. At death, all the organs lose their movement, their warmth and flexibility.
What actually happens at death?
Why lose signs of life that we recognize as momentum, heat and flexibility?
Who or what gives us the visible signs of life?
For life, in itself, can not see it.
Life is like the wind, we can see the movement that occurs in space, but the wind itself can not see.
dimensional space is cold, rigid, is inert. The heat, flexibility, movement, are not specific to the area, but of Time, The Fourth Dimension.
Is the Time, nature electric, invisible, who builds and sustains our electric field, Will.
Where does the Will? Why do you want to know everything?
Will is our memory of the time. Our time-consciousness, records the events of time and with them builds his memory.
is our deep memory, our memory reflective, independent of the memory of Reason, in fact, both memories are opposite and complementary, like our left and our right hand.
The principle governing the Will, his greatest desire is Freedom. The origin of
Will is not in this three dimensional world, their roots are not in space but in time. It feeds the time, adding memory does not grow, it is not magnetic and memory space.
memory of Will is invisible, intangible, like Time. Is light.
Will adding memory does not grow as the space, but grows subtracted as Time. Time Will brings his own inspiration and renewed grows. To the extent that delivery his old inspiration, receives the time, new inspiration.
memory of Will, electrical, electricity as we all know, is not made to be saved or stored, but to make it run, to be consumed without fear of exhausting it, because knowing it can reach Will it be inexhaustible.
Our memory is interactive, you need to interact, communicate, teach what you know. Learn teaching is inspiration itself and the better teaching, more inspired you are.
is a universal principle that energy, and the report is energy, always moves from where there is more to where there is LESS.
So, the key to growing our knowledge is to teach what we know as soon as possible who need it most, who are hungry for knowledge.
So to the extent that we teach more, knowing we will receive the time, the greater our electric field, the greater our will, the greater our Real Power. Saving
what we know, the human species will not grow in wisdom and ourselves, we lose the much needed inspiration our Soul, that is our will.
By its very nature, the will is thoughtful, analytical, logical. Thirsty for knowledge, wants to know everything. Memory power is positive, expansive, generous, enjoys teaching what she knows.
Will is the daughter of Time, the daughter of the truth behind the time. That is why, she love, above all, THE TRUTH, foundation of Liberty.
If, as we know, the Service has eternal life, not born, has no beginning and no end, contrary to our reason material, subject to the laws of space, born to die, to renew, to perfect a step more in each generation.
Will not last forever and it is not fatal, is built with memory of Time, memory, electrical, invisible, intangible memory you have in each one of us a beginning, the beginning of our own memory, individual, that is giving us identity, awareness of who we are. This report builds our invisible body, Will, is both a beginning but no end. is immortal.
Attention. IS ETERNAL. I am who I am.
Reason. Is mortal. I am who has .
Will. Is immortal. I am who knows .
other words:
Attention is and from the Holy Spirit. Reason is
Space and Space appropriate. Will is
Time and proceeds of Time.
And that's how you identify our three voices: I'm
Care, free will. Who I am gives life to Reason.
I'm the reason, awareness of space, I have a physical presence. I
Magnetic Memory.
Will I Am, awareness of time, my presence is light, I
Memory Power.
So, the reason is space, cold, inert, dead
Who gives life is the care.
Who gives movement is Will. It
now reflect more on the true meaning of the word time.
The reality of time that our ancestors lived is not the same reality as lived our parents, nor is the same as we live.
The reality we live today is not the same as live yesterday, or is the same as we live tomorrow.
The area that makes up the reality we live not for even a moment, is on the move, in a permanent change. From moment to moment, this changing, moving, always forward, toward the future and this sequence of movements, moments, they recorded, they nourish and build our memory. We perceive
now as a succession of moments, movements, at a constant speed.
this Space movement, this constant succession of movements in the area we call Time.
Time is moving at a constant speed of moving space.
To understand this, observes the performance of a film. The film depicts a series of snapshots, moments fixed, seeing them at a constant charge movement.
If we stop the rate at which visualize the film, the movement of images slows down and if we stop at all the speed, the illusion of movement fades away, the movie, like space, has no movement own.
Movement is
Time Time is the speed that makes us see the movement space.
Space Movement is an illusion,
who actually moves is the time.
Space has no proper motion.
To complete answer, Alfredo, we review the most important to reach the final conclusion about the death.
believe that the space in which we move and live is live, as we believe that our reason, our physical body has its own life. But this is an illusion.
Life does not belong to space, space is inert matter dark, cold. Any material in this world space has three dimensions, as any body, but to view charge movement, needs the time. The Fourth Dimension. In other words, the Will invisible.
Space can not move without the weather.
Reason can not move without the will.
Time is electrical in nature, as the Will,
Without electricity there is no movement. Who encouraged
Space is Time. Who
encourages our Reason, who gets the electricity
movement of the Will.
Without electric field, without Will, Reason is like a robot out of battery power. It's just a lot of material ordered.
Space without time is inert matter. Is Death.
Will can not die, as we have explained, is built on time and takes many lives to it.
Reason is thus a dead puppet, a dead body without the power needed to move the heart, neurons, nervous system and, in short, every organ, cell, molecule, atom and particle shape to give your body human. Human reason.
Without Will no body to move by itself.
The fetus moves in the womb thanks to the power of the electric field mother, ie the will of the mother. So, if by separating the infant from its mother, is not occupied by a Will, Reason does not charge motion. Outside
maternal electric field can only develop a lifeless body, ordered space, inanimate Reason.
Being built with power, the will is invisible, but electricity as heat leaves in its wake, also Will, our electric field, warms the body and we are leaving a trail of heat where we go.
So it is logical and normal that when you return to the Time Will she be, well illness, accident or old age, the ratio remains motionless, cold, rigid, as it is, a space without time, without electricity, without Will.
As you can understand, Alfredo:
can not die because he has never been alive
As you know:
is Life Care.
Movement is of the Will.
What an illusion, is to make us believe that there is more to life than we see in Reason
As you can see, Alfredo, also
the most illusionistic ...
End of the seventh Response.
know a little ... right?
until next Saturday.
a fraternal embrace. Alfredo
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