Saturday, November 28, 2009
Dear Friends Ratman Shambava
Is it possible that there is a living body without movement? I do not know. Life is movement and no movement, no life ...>
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1 º. Question; ... there may be a reason, ie a body alive, but without movement, if not encouraged by a Will .
Answer: in the whole universe is in motion, vibrating. And there are several types of movement, typical of the Realms that make up the different steps of the pyramid of life, whether owned or induced by an external force.
Will really does not encourage, is action, and who makes life possible and the expansion and development of Reason and Will ... Attention is. And as you add ... if not animated by a will, with no end to interpret the question correctly.
However, if we change the question ... -There may be a reason, ie a body alive, but without movement, if encouraged by the attention ...- the answer is yes.
be the case, among others, of people in coma in hospital, they do not move and live. Sure, their cells are still working in a similar way, although at a slower pace. Also, a stone surface can hold in your living lichens nor move.
And about our creations, for example, the body of a doll, he would be "life" or electronic movement in the particles, but not individual mobility or self, unless you insert a motor and a power source , but I would never A, R and V. superior. That is, the inherent characteristics and proper that we see in any body alive, especially address, reason and move freely, reproduce, or find the energy to get it.
Question 2. ... There may be a body without a soul. What would it be?
Answer: It is feasible, if we understand and Soul, the spiritual body, the Service. It would not be.
But if we understand it only as the entity that bore the human being, whether it can exist, as in other species coexisting nature of spiritual entities that also are dedicated to the development of other species of the Pyramid of Life, without be human souls.
But a body without a soul, that is, without superior care, it is not possible. and small gifts are under the different species of particles, which are adding or making up the attention of the larger species of these molecules and those of the cells, and in turn the bodies to form between all the care of a living organism.
Thus, in any organism all its parts are alive, following the Law and Order's own memory of his kind. While some with "life" simple or primitive and other superior.
3 ª Is it possible that there is a living body without movement? I do not know. Life is movement and no movement, no life ...
A. True, but here should be distinguished from the myriad life forms. And there, including patients in coma and lichens mentioned.
We know it's the Soul, or Spirit who animates life care, but space may be visible, magnetic and electric absence of a frequency that allows advanced life.
Example: our planet ... is electromagnetism, magnetism and electricity enough, so that our Earthly Mother can sustain higher life. Unlike the Moon, is "life" = moving in microscopic particles that make up the visible space, but it has the ability to support life than not having Will an electric body and self sufficient as it always presents the same face and not turned on for energy as Earth.
Yes, the attention is the Source of Life, the reason is the physical space that seems alive with Will having an electric field promotes the movement, action, heat and life possible.
summary: For more information, new responses posted here.
Well, dear friend, RATM, forgive the delay in answering, as well as the extension, as we move from concepts that need refinements and clarifications. Hope that pleased. At your disposal.
still do not quite understand the technical characteristics of the blogger, and has limitations on a Web page, therefore, a few readers of the work of writing, we are devoting our time, attention, reasoning, and Will, to tailor, with the tools to give full satisfaction to the seekers of the teaching of Type,
So, very soon we will have the above WEB, to be born with the aim of meeting needs, and this will be the first place to be announced the good news of his journey and its corresponding address. Already
Blogg that has several open discussions, for simplicity, we can unite all here to contribute what they see fit and ask questions or concepts are not clear due to lack of space in the responses. For my part, I will humbly serve them.
Thank you for your attention. And especially grateful to Manuel Rodriguez, Guillermo GC and the signer Nemaste for their contributions and good wishes.
Welcome all new friends who have come to this Blogg and encouragement to all who ask and answer, then:
PS: Please, if the anonymous sign with a name or an alias would be possible to address each, in their contributions, to avoid confusion.