Julieta kirkwood is undoubtedly a pioneer in feminist theorizing in Chile and one of those responsible for the visibility and recognition Latin American feminist wisdom. This degree in sociology and political science (University of Chile 1969), not only was his knowledge and made their proposals in academic institutions but the joint knew from an active political and social participation.
Together with other women in Chile re-founded the feminist movement in military dictatorship, creating a large network on the theme "democracy in the country and at home." From there, along with fighting against the dictatorship and how it reinforced the patriarchal system questioned the subordination of feminism within political parties and other social movements.
By Juliet feminism questioned everything: the old paradigms of gender legitimized by political and religious ideologies, the power of political parties to put in crisis and must be ideological militancy, rigid gender roles and the contradictions between behaviors public and private. In some ways the state of social crisis Chile lived at that time allowed to question all truths and all certainties.
Major Julieta contributions to feminist theory is its reflection on the "places of articulation of feminist knowledge" and what he called "the knots of feminist wisdom."
Together with other women in Chile re-founded the feminist movement in military dictatorship, creating a large network on the theme "democracy in the country and at home." From there, along with fighting against the dictatorship and how it reinforced the patriarchal system questioned the subordination of feminism within political parties and other social movements.
By Juliet feminism questioned everything: the old paradigms of gender legitimized by political and religious ideologies, the power of political parties to put in crisis and must be ideological militancy, rigid gender roles and the contradictions between behaviors public and private. In some ways the state of social crisis Chile lived at that time allowed to question all truths and all certainties.
Major Julieta contributions to feminist theory is its reflection on the "places of articulation of feminist knowledge" and what he called "the knots of feminist wisdom."
The feminist knowledge production, particularly in Latin America, not from the academy were born of the daily experience of visualizing a subject that was not compared to the women themselves and to society. For Julieta the production of knowledge of feminism was to name what had so far not name, producing their own speeches, highlighting the gap between theory and practice. Thus, the private key name the policy was possible to turn the personal into a collective project: (...) identical shift in the language: corridor issues become topics of assembly, the private, the woman herself, it is table top and social debate. We present a new mix of politics and everyday life. There has been a downgrading of the codes, a reversal in terms of what is important. Participation has made involvement, social, real and concrete (...) (Kirkwood 1987)
feminism in action times are faster than think times, making practice and theory does not advance to the beat of their own history, this incongruity Julieta called the knots of feminist wisdom. Feminist knowledge is nurtured and outlines from doubts, frustrations, difficulties which in turn leave practices are processes of affirmation of this knowledge. The reflection of the knots and tensions arising from the contradictory dynamics of the feminist movement and offers both a methodology for analysis and production of knowledge: (...) can undo the knots along the reverse path, carefully .. . with thread behind to detect its size and its meaning or can be cut with knives or swords prey to earn immediately rule things in dispute. From there emerges, I think, the first brutal difference between knowledge and power (...) (Kirkwood 1986) (...) Feminism is both developing its theory and practice, and should interact. It is impossible to conceive of a body of knowledge that is absolutely impractical (...) In his
Julieta proposed: an approach to building the social Actorie women, a sort of feminist movement and a problematization of the female relations with the power and knowledge. His thought was expressed in various publications of the time but you can find compiled mainly in 2 publications: Weaving
rebellions: Juliet Kirkwood feminist writings tacked by Patricia Crispi (1987): Compilation of various texts through which we can reconstruct the history of the processes and experiences nascent women's organizations in Chile, feminism and politics. He reflects on feminism as a practice and theory, placing as conceptual gender and social class, behavior, knowledge and power. The latter in the context of the patriarchal model and its manifestations in public and private life: the power of action, political power, the power of knowledge. Being
politics in Chile: Feminists and party (1986) (it was reissued in 1990 by the editorial room of her own under the name Ser politics in Chile: the knots of feminist wisdom). Collection of essays in which he analyzes the feminist movement over the past 50 years, among its purposes are: to recover and reveal the invisible history of women and develop a theoretical elaboration of the contents and demands arising from the organizations taking into account the principles universal equality and the specific experiences of oppression experienced by women.
Juliet In the wisdom is embodied as an integrated academic and political, on one hand, the intellectual action, their knowledge and critical reflection on the other action and the need for transforming the political culture and Chile played it live. To her knowledge was practical (think creation, production), and doing situational projection was that knowledge. Your project from the woman and popular was focused on the task of reconstructing the social fabric dismembered during the dictatorship. It is therefore declared itself socialist / feminist and feminist / socialist, depending on space and emphasis, as its motion search was extensive, heterogeneous, with an open horizon that would double resistance: the patriarchy and military dictatorship.
Juliet was a militant and a political leader from that position reflected, woven knots and rebellions broke out. When he was almost impossible to feminist theory, built a particular language and discovered a unique way of approaching social problems. It was one of the architects of Latin American feminist thought, his influence continues to this day and his thoughts are becoming more effective. He died on April 8, 1985
ALEJANDRA CASTILLO Feminism, History and Memory: Julieta Kirkwood rereading perspective autográfica.Infraganti No. 5. Social Research Center Universidad Arcis. Santiago de Chile 2000
CRISPI PATRICIA, Weaving rebellions: Juliet Kirkwood feminist writings tacked by Patricia Crispi. EMF-LA RESIDENCE
Santiago de Chile 1987 KIRKWOOD JULIET, Chile: women in policy formulation. Working Paper No. 109 Santiago de Chile FLACSO Program 1981 KIRKWOOD
JULIETA, feminist and political. New Society, No. 78 Caracas Venezuela 1985
KIRKWOOD JULIETA, knots of wisdom feminist (after the Second meeting feminist Latin America and the Caribbean, Lima 1983) Material Index No. 64 program FLACSO, Santiago de Chile 1984
KIRKWOOD JULIET, Ser policy in Chile : Feminists and FLACSO parties Santiago de Chile 1986 KIRKWOOD
JULIET, Ser policy in Chile: the knots of feminist wisdom Fourth own Santiago de Chile 1990
OYARZUN KEMI several articles in Revista Rocinante 57. Santiago de Chile 2002 Itinerary
VARGAS VIRGINIA knowledge in other studies and other Latin American intellectual practices in culture and power. Daniel Mato (coord.) CLACSO Caracas Venezuela 2002.
feminism in action times are faster than think times, making practice and theory does not advance to the beat of their own history, this incongruity Julieta called the knots of feminist wisdom. Feminist knowledge is nurtured and outlines from doubts, frustrations, difficulties which in turn leave practices are processes of affirmation of this knowledge. The reflection of the knots and tensions arising from the contradictory dynamics of the feminist movement and offers both a methodology for analysis and production of knowledge: (...) can undo the knots along the reverse path, carefully .. . with thread behind to detect its size and its meaning or can be cut with knives or swords prey to earn immediately rule things in dispute. From there emerges, I think, the first brutal difference between knowledge and power (...) (Kirkwood 1986) (...) Feminism is both developing its theory and practice, and should interact. It is impossible to conceive of a body of knowledge that is absolutely impractical (...) In his
Julieta proposed: an approach to building the social Actorie women, a sort of feminist movement and a problematization of the female relations with the power and knowledge. His thought was expressed in various publications of the time but you can find compiled mainly in 2 publications: Weaving
rebellions: Juliet Kirkwood feminist writings tacked by Patricia Crispi (1987): Compilation of various texts through which we can reconstruct the history of the processes and experiences nascent women's organizations in Chile, feminism and politics. He reflects on feminism as a practice and theory, placing as conceptual gender and social class, behavior, knowledge and power. The latter in the context of the patriarchal model and its manifestations in public and private life: the power of action, political power, the power of knowledge. Being
politics in Chile: Feminists and party (1986) (it was reissued in 1990 by the editorial room of her own under the name Ser politics in Chile: the knots of feminist wisdom). Collection of essays in which he analyzes the feminist movement over the past 50 years, among its purposes are: to recover and reveal the invisible history of women and develop a theoretical elaboration of the contents and demands arising from the organizations taking into account the principles universal equality and the specific experiences of oppression experienced by women.
Juliet In the wisdom is embodied as an integrated academic and political, on one hand, the intellectual action, their knowledge and critical reflection on the other action and the need for transforming the political culture and Chile played it live. To her knowledge was practical (think creation, production), and doing situational projection was that knowledge. Your project from the woman and popular was focused on the task of reconstructing the social fabric dismembered during the dictatorship. It is therefore declared itself socialist / feminist and feminist / socialist, depending on space and emphasis, as its motion search was extensive, heterogeneous, with an open horizon that would double resistance: the patriarchy and military dictatorship.
Juliet was a militant and a political leader from that position reflected, woven knots and rebellions broke out. When he was almost impossible to feminist theory, built a particular language and discovered a unique way of approaching social problems. It was one of the architects of Latin American feminist thought, his influence continues to this day and his thoughts are becoming more effective. He died on April 8, 1985
ALEJANDRA CASTILLO Feminism, History and Memory: Julieta Kirkwood rereading perspective autográfica.Infraganti No. 5. Social Research Center Universidad Arcis. Santiago de Chile 2000
CRISPI PATRICIA, Weaving rebellions: Juliet Kirkwood feminist writings tacked by Patricia Crispi. EMF-LA RESIDENCE
Santiago de Chile 1987 KIRKWOOD JULIET, Chile: women in policy formulation. Working Paper No. 109 Santiago de Chile FLACSO Program 1981 KIRKWOOD
JULIETA, feminist and political. New Society, No. 78 Caracas Venezuela 1985
KIRKWOOD JULIETA, knots of wisdom feminist (after the Second meeting feminist Latin America and the Caribbean, Lima 1983) Material Index No. 64 program FLACSO, Santiago de Chile 1984
KIRKWOOD JULIET, Ser policy in Chile : Feminists and FLACSO parties Santiago de Chile 1986 KIRKWOOD
JULIET, Ser policy in Chile: the knots of feminist wisdom Fourth own Santiago de Chile 1990
OYARZUN KEMI several articles in Revista Rocinante 57. Santiago de Chile 2002 Itinerary
VARGAS VIRGINIA knowledge in other studies and other Latin American intellectual practices in culture and power. Daniel Mato (coord.) CLACSO Caracas Venezuela 2002.
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