I invite anyone to an anonymous fighter selfless like that, our heroes of today to create a Facebook page that is a sort of "Cadeneta of Death" for the dignity of our people. Behind
Orlando Zapata, who come from all over the Cubans to sacrifice his own life in front of consulates, embassies of the Castro dynasty or anywhere in the country. It is apparently the last resort that we have left to save the prisoners of conscience and our people in a barren existence, painful, which is already unbearable.
not expect anything less of our people. Is this the land of Father Felix Varela, Professor José de la Luz y Caballero, forming revolutionary Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, the Father of the Nation, Francis Vicente Aguilera, José Antonio Saco and Mariana Grajales and his son Maceo, General Antonio Maceo, the multi-millionaires Aldamas Cuban nineteenth century, who gave generously of their fortune, like many other wealthy Creoles, the fight against English colonialism, of which came from other lands to show solidarity to our cause, the General Maximo Gomes Baez, Dominican, U.S. Colonel Henry Reeve, Poland General Carlos Roloff, in that, the land of our José Martí where we end up words ... I
apaunto now. Who's next? ... That's "to reduce law enforcement," as said the lawyer, friend Yoani (and the most elementary respect for our people, I add), I have no doubt.
pData (March 18):
rush events, and revolutions are genuine spontaneity as clear reflection of diversity of opposition that the unit is approaching slowly. We are not yet well organized, the news comes too fragmented, confused .... For example who is behind Guillermo Fariñas? ... Is Antúnez and Felix Bonne, one of the signers of "The Fatherland Belongs to All" (which by By the way, was an excellent professor of Electrical Engineering of the undersigned, back in the early eighties at the University Engineering Havana who I have fond and hilarious memories ... a black man over 6 feet tall, almost always guayabera and a fine sense of humor in a classroom where he met the cream of Havana fuckers , there was Castillo, Gerardo, Adonis, Lazaro Cabrera, Brito (poison), Alexis Valdés, Carlos Milian, Nelson Medina, Joubert, Carlos Sanchez, Tey, the two Chinese, the "jamaliche" and the "native" was Udel Figueredo, Carlos Manuel Torres and others who live not only in our memories ... more fraternal Gonzalo Alexander, Lydian and Hermes Ferrer).
needed to agree ... I "gave in high "in the row on March 11 ... as soon as I turn comes I leave for New York and planted my tent outside the building of the United Nations Organization. Point.
pData 2 (March 1926) apotheosis Progress Eighth Street yesterday, organized in just three days (as were many who either heard) ... speaking of 200 000 participants. Beautiful expressions of solidarity by Latin American brothers and gringos. I was struck by the increasing participation of young people, are added little by little, many of which have so far preferred to maintain their status as "economic migrants" fearing retaliation that give them no more, those of "our" embassy in Washington, the " visa " to enter Cuba (visa ?.... yeahhhh said ... visa for your country, for friends who have not heard that it works well ...). Who has the right to make on behalf of a political color reserves the right to refuse admission to the home where you were born in Cuba ????... What is unusual! Luckily, more and more people in the world are becoming aware of our perverse reality. PData
3 (April 1915) And now the corruption scandal ... this southern range is worse than 8A. Are closely linked to General Acevedo, Ramiro Valdes and "Guaton" (Max Marambio) ...
From that we are saved! (Ironically thanks to the speed G2, moreover, that "proof of life" of Fidel Castro). Every day more interesting and dramatic.
Obama in Miami today, visiting house Estefan certainly impressed by the demonstration of the road 8 and the courage of the Estefan. Thank you, Chairman!
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