"I stayed in a English hotel called the Hotel America, and from there spread to the English colonies of the imperial city the news of my arrival. It was the first to visit a young Cuban, verbose and friendly, with dense hair black, bright and piercing eyes and gentlemanly treatment and communication. His name was Gonzalo de Quesada, and is now minister of Cuba in Berlin. His long acting Pan is well known. He said the Cuban colony was preparing a banquet to be verified at the home of famous restauranteur "Martin, and that the" Maestro "wanted to see me soon. The teacher was José Martí, who was in those moments when the brunt of his revolutionary work. Gonzalez also said that Marti was waiting for me that night in Harmand Hall, where he had to make a speech before a gathering of Cubans, that we see him together. I highly admire the general effect of this writer who had known only by those formidable and lyrical correspondence to Hispanic newspapers like La Opinión Nacional, Caracas, El Partido Liberal of Mexico, and above all, La Nacion of Buenos Aires. Profuse prose writing, full of vitality and color, plasticity and music. It shone through the cultivation of all ancient and modern literature, and, above all, the spirit of a high and wonderful poet. I was punctual to the appointment, and at the beginning of the night came in the company of Gonzalo de Quesada on one of the side doors of the building where the great warrior had to speak. We went through a dark hallway, and suddenly, in a room full of light, I found myself in the arms of a small man body, face glow, sweet voice and commanding at the same time and telling me that one word: "Son!" It was time now to appear before the public, and I said that I should accompany him on the board; and when I realized, after a quick introduction to some people, I met with them and Martí on a dais, facing the large crowd that greeted me with sympathetic applause. And I thought what I'd say the Colombian government, sitting in their consul general public, a revolutionary anti-English board! Martí had that night to defend himself. He had been charged, I have this and if neglected, or precipitation, in who knows what movement to invade Cuba. This is the case, the core of the colony at that time it was contrary more surprising that he had extra resources, and taking advantage of my presence, sympathetic to the Cubans who knew the poet, made me a presentation of the ornate finery style. The enthusiastic applause came, and he seized the moment to open up and defend themselves against accusations known, and delivered on that occasion as one of the finest speeches of his life, success was complete and that hostile audience before him and hold vibrant hailed . Once the speech, we went the street. No sooner had gone a few steps when I heard someone call him "Don José! Don José! "It was a black worker who approached her humble and loving. "Here I bring this souvenir," he said. And gave him a silver pen. "You see, I noted Martí, the love of these poor black cigar. They realize what they suffer and struggle for the freedom of our poor country. " Then we went to tea at her friend's house, intelligent and caring lady, who helped him greatly in their revolutionary work. I heard there long conversation. I have never found, or it Castelar, a talker so admirable. Harmonious family was endowed with a prodigious memory, and agile and ready for the appointment, for reminiscence, for the data to the image. Unforgettable moments spent with him, then dismissed me. He had to leave for Tampa tonight, to fix I do not know how precious organizational arrangements. Not see him again. "
Rubén Darío. (Nicaragua, 1867-1916).
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