Friday, June 19, 2009

Nice Things To Write In An Engagement Card


by Alfredo Lopez Cruz
May 2009. Tembleque. Copyright
- Alfredo

Saturday, June 20, 2009.

Dear distinguished ay / a friend:

With the satisfaction of always, I return to the other contributions adjuntarte WRITE, completing his first delivery. This time, included the beginning of the interview and their first 5 unique, interesting and above all, revealing answer.

by Alfredo Lopez Cruz.
May 2009. Tembleque.

A beautiful day in late May in Tembleque (Toledo).
I find myself sitting at Scribe, author of "THE FOURTH DIMENSION", prized by seekers of Truth, a book written with capitalized words.

A book that gives reasonable answers to the questions that mankind has been asking over the centuries. A compendium of knowledge with an original focus on the origin of the Universe, Space and Time, the purpose of our lives, the mystery of the purpose of the universe, the reality that lies beyond the universe, the real existence of eternity, the true meaning of the word "Heaven" and "Hell", the beginning and the end of time, the Antichrist, the Apocalypse, the Last Judgement and the seal of God.

A book that strengthens the faith of believers and make non-believers doubt because it gives reasonable assurance of the existence of God and Eternity.
deep study of the book made me think and has calmed my thirst for knowledge, which confirms my understanding of authenticity, because I am a seeker of truth and I am able to to recognize it if it gets in my eyes. Therefore, I thank you for having written this book, have shared, make it available to humanity in these times when the true values \u200b\u200bare in crisis and chaos, confusion and uncertainty reign among us.

Although I am satisfied, I must admit that my thirst for knowledge has no limits and I would like to begin this interview with a question asked by many readers:


- Alfredo: This book so
difficult to summarize or synthesize, for in him all the words are measured, all have their place and precise function is the product ... a revelation? Under what circumstances did you write? ...

- Writing:

More than a revealed book, is a reasoned book, to reflect the human species on its origin and destination.
not a book for young souls hungry for sensations, emotions and ideals, is a book for older souls, tired, exhausted and hungry from time to seek the Truth with a capital, confused by the lack of common sense prevailing in humanity, for lack of consistency, farther and farther away from nature and the laws governing their perfect harmony, building artificial paradises trying to make perfect sense to their lives, who are ultimately frustrated by the pain, old age and death.
No, not a revealed book or leaking, I wrote it on his own will, at a rate of 8 hours a day for several months. I understand that it is difficult to summarize because wisdom, and this is a book of wisdom, is in itself a summary, a synthesis of true knowledge, my own synthesis of the truth.
My own research, a lifetime dedicated to reflection and verification.
Actually, I am a simple farmer and just as the wheat grower of wheat sowing often lacking all the years I have cultivated the wisdom and with each harvest me richer and richer.
I checked again and again over the years, teaching what I know, who needs to know, harvested within me a greater knowledge. But stating that this must be done with the greatest indifference, because he who sows wheat only when you are paid a daily wage can not feel ownership of the crop.

As you have to deliver wheat seeds to the ground to grow more wheat, as regulated by law to have knowledge and expertise. Should be emptied into the need of others to be filled again.

So, we do not lack for inspiration itself must teach those who know less than us. Like if we love, we must begin to sow making others happy. No can be grown if planting does not begin with itself.

must be empty to be filled!

is the Law, with capital letters. End


- Alfredo:
Another issue of concern to readers of the fourth dimension is the current crisis ... How long will it take to get things back to normal?

- Writing:

who hold your breath return to normal that marked the last years will be frustrated.
The ideals that have built empires throughout history have been born and developed to eventually die.
Like communism and capitalism are human ideals condemned to die, the last years of capitalist splendor are the prelude to its collapse. The disorder caused at all levels of nature, the impoverishment of species, waste, excessive debt, lack of resources increased and the need to continue wasting, make it impossible to exit in time. There is therefore reasonable future if we give up the unnecessary and learn to live with the bare minimum. Only then will there be for everyone.
But I see no humanity ready for this waiver necessary, they are still young and will finish learning a great lesson, a painful but very necessary for the survival of species. A step back for humanity to rediscover our place in nature.

Borrowing for the future without knowing what the future holds for us is the safest way to compromise our freedom and our ability to respond.

Being free means being free of all present and future dependence. Mortgaging our future to enjoy more in this, we commit our future freedom and our free will.

is necessary to remind the leaders that we are not to serve their ideals, who are not elected to make laws and force us to comply if they are fair, and no law is just if it enriches some at the expense of impoverishing other .

Every law has imposed to be fair and necessary for improved coexistence
without restriction or curtail the freedom of all free will and individual
even in the name of security, because she
, security,
always asks for more and more, and it turns out
total security is an impossible dream.

govern is not to dictate or order, but be alert

evolution to predict, inspire and strengthen them all equally. End


- Alfredo:
After your original explanation of the God particle and moments before the Big Bang, I would like to know more precisely what the Church means when he says that we made in the image and likeness of God.

- Writing:

God is One and Triune at a time,
like you and me and everyone else, we are one and we are chirping at once.
We are all a reflection of the reality that is.

him being the One, which contains all,
wants to show his duality, for that first sorts
DOS, which is their RIGHT, THE MOTHER, THE REASON FOR GOD, then orders Three, it is your will, SON, THE WILL OF GOD.

GOD the ONE, shows us his TRINIDAD,
shows that IT, MORE ATTENTION,
has reason and will.

reason and will.
and SON is at a time.

The One is the DOS is
three is the SON.

The major unit shows two halves or two faces,
a visible and the invisible, opposite each other, and complementary,
Female and Male, or otherwise, Negative and Positive.
DOS, the Mother, the feminine face of God,
his reason, is his memory, his memory
Space, the visible world we see.

Three, the SON, the male face of God, your will
is his memory of Time, the invisible world we can not see.
So, the Reason of God is
we can see and the Will of God is the time we can not see.

Space, the Reason of God, the tangible reality of God, and know that it is magnetic in nature.
El Tiempo, the Will of God, the intangible reality of God, we know that is electrical in nature.

Magnetism and electricity are manifestations of it,
manifestations of his reason and his will.

can understand that God's reason is magnetic in nature and that his will is electrical in nature, but should be concluded that the care is made, ie the Spirit.

say we are or we are made in His image and likeness

is a precise and accurate statement of reality that we are.

We are all ONE, TWO, and we are

Each unit is dual, has two aspects or faces, opposite,
everything is both masculine and feminine, positive and negative.
From subatomic particles to the largest galaxies the universe
and constellations.
Of course, we are built like the rest of the universe with space and time, that is, magnetism and electricity, the visible and invisible.

The physical body is your own reason,
your face that represents the area visible.
your will, your memory, your face is invisible
, which represents Time.

So, our Reason is magnetic
and our will is power.

But I do not mean that our reason and will have a memory of space and time, what I mean is that our reason and will are or are constructed memory of Space and Time.

Actually, we are not a physical body with memory,
but, we report a physical presence.

Our reason is the memory built our physical body, which is refined, generation after generation, passed from father to son,
through what science calls the Genetic Code.
Reason, our memory of our memory space is visible, tangible.
The ratio of the whole human species is on the way to Perfection.

Our Will, our memory invisible, intangible, is being built, step by step with time.
With time, we build our memory, memory
Will we build. Will you also
our way to perfection.
So, not true, that species evolve,
but the memory of each species is being completed,
be refined over time in many generations,
since the objective pursued by the Universal Work is to show, step by step,
the same Order of Perfection.
Walking the Great Memory that is the universe,
build our own memory,
do our own memory of God.

All parts contain the Whole.
The ALL contains all the parts.

In all species we can find the attributes of God.
found in all living care,
Reason and Will.

plants serving the light, they note, are right we can see and Will live, have electric field, invisible, protecting your life, defend themselves from predators and are adding memory, perfect in every generation.

attend the Sun's planets have Attention; reason we can see and Willingness to follow the sun wherever you go.
planets like particles magnetically attract and repel each other electrically. They also are adding memory.

mistakenly believe that the universe grows only in space,
that is matter, which is Energy,
but in what actually grows is in memory,
the older, more memory accumulates, the more time you have. Any archaeologist
We can confirm that the more deeply into the Earth, the report delves into the building the Metro. Near its surface
yesterday and below the
yesterday and is still below the memory of all species,
of all generations. Time is

who accumulates the energy that gives rise to space. Space is
Accumulated Energy, Energy materialized
and this is MEMORY.
If the current Science, does not include,
the behavior of subatomic particles
does not understand the reason of God,
since, between them and us is a functional similarity. The

Physicists who study particles, defined as "things" that are SPIN, specific mass and electric field.
For Spin understood that the particles are capable of proper motion, which can turn into a positive or negative magnetism, which will decide for themselves. For specific mass
understand that they have mass, which are visible matter.
understand that electric fields, have light, electric charge, which is invisible.

If we call everything by name, we will understand better.

First, the particles are not "things" living
but very fast. The

Spin is the Care of the particle, pure and simple, their free will.
The body material of the particle, its mass is the ratio
the particle, its memory space.
The electric field is the Will of the particle, its memory of the time.

The particle uses your reason, magnetic, its negative side to attract or be attracted to and uses his will power, the positive side, to repel or to feel repelled. Reason

That is God's Memory Space
is easy to observe, because the whole area
is Reason.

All spaces are formed, occupied or inhabited by smaller spaces, minor reasons and these, even minor ones. All

adding memory,
all perfecting his reason and his will.

also our physical body is built with reason, that is, the higher ratio, which is our body is built for minor reasons, which are the internal organs.
Each organ has its own reasons, want to live even if they split up in our body, the drive takes place and function.
bodies are in turn composed of minor reasons, cells that have their reason to live, relate to each other, are willing to defend their lives and treats between yes.

cells, in turn, are made for minor reasons, molecules, with his attention, his reason and his will as well.
molecules are also formed even for minor reasons, which are atoms, they also interact, serve, have reason and will.
And they are made for minor reasons which are subatomic particles.
All the reasons, whatever size they are,
follow the same mandate and the Law:
survives, seeks security, pleasure and escape pain and death.

This is to say that all react the same reasons, and it will suffice deal with injustice to our own body to suffer in it a logical reaction. End



- Alfredo:
In your book there is a reasonable explanation for the ultimate reality of the universe that I find logical and wonderful, while giving me an accurate idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning of Word Heaven, or the exact location of the Promised Land, which we are told in the Bible.
However, what actually happens at the beginning of the universe in the moments before the Big-Bang, I find no logic in the most widely accepted scientific explanation, on a particle tiny size and infinite density, which contains all the energy of the universe.
This particle, called the Higgs Boson or God particle, produces a huge explosion that gives rise to the universe, the birth of Space and Time.
particle would produce a huge explosion that gives rise to the universe, the birth of Space and Time. I can not find the logic, I have no head, that the explosion of a particle, very special and dense it is, arises by chance, something so great, perfect and mysterious as the universe, when we see each day, which any explosion only cause destruction and chaos. Can you add

more about what is really happening before the Big Bang?

- Writing:

Yes, I thought about it.
I have explained that to be filled with new knowledge,
must first know how old emptied.

I was empty when writing the 4 th Dimension, but the time fills me again and I have some answers I'm ordering, for a future book to fill the knowledge contained in "The Fourth Dimension." I can say
you some details that you think.

The universe does not appear in three dimensions after a sudden explosion.
Space and time do not come together.
The reality is much more complex.

The original particle giving rise to the universe, yes it is true that size is found to be negligible, since it has three dimensions or two or even one, no mass specified, is not material or can be, because there is no Universe material before her.

As for the assertion that the particle has an infinite density, it is to be entirely false. The particle does not contain all the energy of the universe as we know, it actually contains is

MEMORY whole universe.
That is to say, containing the Order of all the moments and movements, that the universe is still in its development from first to last moment of Time.

This particle has density, has no weight.
In fact, memory is not heavy, no space, no magnetic nature is like space, but turns out to be electrical in nature as Time.

Actually, the particle has two sides, as the Universe
in her body.

One of them is Space, the reality that we see,
the reality in which we move and live.
The other side is the time, the reality that we can not see the reality which allows us to move and live.

Space, the reality that we see is magnetic in nature, while the time, the reality that we can not see, is electrical in nature.
Everything in the universe is electromagnetic in nature, ie built with magnetism and electricity, or put another way, in Space and Time. Thus, both the particle and the universe are visible and invisible nature.

This original particle moves so fast that
the speed of light is, for her, a sudden stop.
This speed creates the high temperatures that occur
at the instant of the universe before the Big Bang.

So, this particle that contains the memory of the Universe,
not explode, an explosion
No uncontrolled or controlled by chance.

What actually happens is not an explosion, but a projection
energy instantaneous speed,
that makes an orderly projection of the Memory of the particle,
like a mental projection.

memory addition, the particle has its own life because he projects his memory itself multiply so fast, it looks like a flash fire power, when in reality it is an orderly projection of all the moments of universal time.

The reality is that the time is projected in its entirety,
before the area begins to materialize. A camera

can be slow the particle, being the One, is split into 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.7 ... and multiply, appearing all together, forming a line in one dimension, a linear dimension consists of electromagnetic particles, which continues, tracing "map" of the universe.

you'll get a rough idea of \u200b\u200bthis, if you try to draw on a map all the movements necessary for designing a home, without lifting the pencil from the paper, without going back ever.

Extending the line of particles results in the 2 nd dimension.
So, before the Universe starts to materialize, is projected in 2 dimensions. Length and width.

So, who assert that space and time are born at a time, confused,
because the truth is that first appears on time rather than space. And
Space will only continue to projected movements in time.

So nothing is happened in the universe.
The time is shown continuously, is like a path of energy and Space
is moving, it starts materializing
this path of particles one way, always forward.

The Fundamental Plane of Energy,
instantly arises from the original particle, trace a linear path
energy particles formed by
magnetically coupled together and electrically separated

her neighbors formed a sea of \u200b\u200bEnergy ordered
where each particle can not but remain fixed in place,
as a movement in it,
causes the opposite reaction among its neighbors and between them can not be no more.

The Plane of Energy ordered, which is the 1 st and 2 nd dimension of the universe, is where you move the particles with mass that follow with proper motion, electromagnetic particles moving along the road, interacting with fixed particles that form.

This explains the movement in zig-zag, are
Light particles to move,
so wrongly called "vacuum."

No such empty particles
to need a way to get around.
A single particle can not move if it interacts with other particles
or a path formed by particles.

The first particles that move through the Basic Energy Plan, which is fixed and is actually the Universal Time, are particles of a single dimension, length, are the first species of the Universe, they are living beings, and Photon Science calls.

are different species, distinguished by its length, being a shorter and others longer, such as tiny rays.
Behind them appear more complex particles in 2 dimensions, length and width, and are distinguished by their size and speed.

Science calls them virtual particles or ghosts and can move in both directions of the Fundamental Plane, the length and width.
The largest particle that appears in 2 dimensions is the electron.
And behind it, there is the 1 st 3-dimensional particle universe, known to science as the hydrogen atom. End


- Alfredo:
In now your explanation leaves me speechless ... Now, I am reminded of the controversy over whether the mass of subatomic particles are or are light, although it is accepted by science as being both things at once.


On this issue must be understood that the particle, or rather, all particles have two sides, negative and positive, they have mass, magnetic face, your face is visible and negative, are also electrical side, his face invisible, which is light and its positive side.

We have already explained, so superficial, that particles can only move on a path of particles also have two faces, so that the particle has to submit its positive or negative side to interact with the road and move in zig-zag.

Thus, the particle has to be rotated at each step,
the way her face showing positive or negative,
and therefore we can see it when you file your
downside is its mass and can not see
when you file your positive side is light.
So, at this point, the science is right, the particle's mass and is light, both at the same time. End

Response and the first delivery.

hope that this first release has found its own place within you, back to outline directions for those who need some further clarification.

And with that same satisfaction as always, you are ready to inform you that new questions and answers received on time will go by the same medium.

a fraternal embrace. And that peace of God be with you.
Alfredo Lopez Cruz.


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