Friday, June 5, 2009

Why Does My Throat Get Sore At Night

INTERVIEW TYPE-1 º. Question and Answer. PHRASES

by Alfredo Lopez Cruz

Friday, June 5, 2009.

Dear distinguished ay / a friend:

is a great honor for me and both a big commitment, adjuntarte then WRITE FIRST RESPONSE a series of questions that arise with the aim of clarifying ancient philosophical and religious mysteries, and find new approaches, or lines of research, allowing scientific reason to solve old problems, intractable today and realize the dreams and aspirations of its most illustrious doctors of physics. And, give to humanity, irrefutable arguments for the existence of God.



After your original explanation on Particle GOD and moments before the Big Bang, I would like to know more precisely what the Church means when he says that, are made in the image and likeness of God .


God is One and Triune at a time,
like you and me and everyone else, we are one and we are chirping at once.
We are all a reflection of the reality that is.

him being the One, which contains all,
wants to show his duality, for that first sorts
then ordered the Three, it is your will, SON, THE WILL OF GOD.

GOD, ONE, shows us his TRINIDAD,
shows that IT, MORE ATTENTION,
has reason and will.

reason and will.
and SON is at a time.

The One is the DOS is
three is the SON.

The major unit is divided into two halves,
a visible and the invisible, opposite each other, and complementary,
Female and Male, or otherwise, Negative and Positive.

DOS, the Mother, the feminine face of God,
his reason, is their memory, Space
its report, the visible world we see.

three, the SON, the male face of God,
your will,
is his memory of time, the invisible world we can not see.

So, the Reason of God is
we can see and the Will of God is the time we can not see.

Space, the Reason of God,
tangible reality of God,
we know is magnetic in nature.

El Tiempo, the Will of God,
intangible reality of God,
already know to be electrical in nature.

Magnetism and electricity are manifestations of it, its clinical
Reason and Will.

can understand that God's reason
is magnetic in nature and that his will is electrical in nature, to be concluded
but it's made the note, ie

say we are or we are made in His image and likeness

is a precise and accurate statement of reality that we are.

We are all ONE, TWO, and we are

Each unit is dual, has two aspects or faces, opposite,
everything is both masculine and feminine, positive and negative.

From subatomic particles to the largest galaxies and constellations of the universe.

Of course, we are also built
like the rest of the universe with space and time,
that is, magnetism and electricity, the visible and invisible.

The physical body is your own reason,
your face that represents the area visible.
your will, your memory, your face is invisible
, which represents Time.

So, our Reason is magnetic
and our will is power.

But I do not mean that our reason and will have memory
Space and Time,
what I mean is that our reason and will are or are designed
Memory Space and Time.

Actually, we are not a physical body with memory,
but, we report a physical presence.

Our reason is the memory
building our physical body, which is refined
, generation after generation,
passed from father to son,
through what science calls the Genetic Code.

our memory of our memory space is visible, tangible.
The ratio of the whole human species is on the way to Perfection.

Our will, our memory
invisible, intangible,
is built, step by step with time.
With time, we build our memory, memory
Will we build. Will you also
our way to perfection.

So, not true, that species evolve,
but the memory of each species is being completed,
be refined over time in many generations,
since the objective pursued by the Universal Work is to show,
step by step, the same Order of Perfection.

Walking the Great Memory that is the universe,
build our own memory,
do our own memory of God.

All parts contain the Whole.
the whole contains all parties.

In all species we can find the attributes of God.
found in all living care,
Reason and Will.

plants serving light
have Attention
are right we can see and will to live,
have electric field, invisible life
protect, defend themselves from predators
and are adding memory, perfect in
each generation.

planets attending the Sun,
have Attention;
reason we can see and
Willingness to follow the sun wherever you go.

planets like particles magnetically attract
and repel each other electrically.
They also are adding memory.

mistakenly believe that the universe grows only in space,
that is matter, which is Energy,
but in what actually grows is in memory,
the older, more memory accumulates, the more time you have. Any archaeologist

we can confirm that the more deeply into the Earth, the report delves into the building the Metro. Near its surface
yesterday and below the
yesterday and is still below the memory of all species,
of all generations. Time is
who accumulates Energy that gives rise to space. Space is
Accumulated Energy, Energy materialized
and this is MEMORY.

If current science does not understand,
the behavior of subatomic particles
does not understand the reason of God,
since, between them and us is a functional similarity.

Physicists who study the particles, defined as "things" that have
SPIN, bulk density and electric field.
For Spin understand that
particles are capable of proper motion,
that can turn into a positive or negative magnetism,
who decide for themselves. For specific mass
understand that they have mass, which are visible matter.
understand that electric fields, have light, electric charge, which is invisible

If we call everything by name, we will understand better.

First, the particles are not "things" living
but very fast.

The Spin is the Care of the particle, pure and simple,
your Free Will.
The body material of the particle, its mass is the ratio
the particle, its memory space.
The electric field is the Will of the particle, Time
his memory.

The particle uses your reason, magnetic, its negative side
to attract or be attracted
and uses his will power, the positive side,
to repel or to feel repelled. Reason

That is God's Memory Space
is easy to observe, because the whole area
is Reason.

All spaces are formed, occupied or inhabited
for smaller spaces, minor reasons and these, even minor ones. All
adding memory,
all perfecting his reason and his will.

also our physical body is built
ratio, ie the ratio higher that is our body,
is built for minor reasons, which are the internal organs.

Each organ has its own reasons, want to live
although the split up of the body,
the drive that takes place and function.
bodies are in turn composed of minor reasons,
cells, which also have their reason to live,
to interact with peers,
are willing to defend their lives and serve each other.

cells, in turn, are made for minor reasons,
molecules with their care,
his Reason and Will also.

molecules, are also formed even for minor reasons, which are atoms
they also interact, serve, have reason and will.
And they are made for minor reasons
which are subatomic particles.

All the reasons, whatever size they are, follow the same mandate
and the Law: Survive ", seeking security, pleasure and pain flees
and death.

This is to say that all react the same reasons;
and it will suffice to deal with injustice to our own body to suffer
it a logical reaction.

End of first response.

Care is, Will the Write Reason, author of the trilogy "The evolution in the now," "The Fourth Dimension" and "Diary," who is responsible for this difficult, daunting and enormous task, which many do not hesitate to describe as impossible for any human being.

But I assure you with full conviction that his care, his Reason and Will, are fully trained and qualified for this task.

I own will, proclaim the reliability, accuracy and usefulness of their responses to meet their targets, I take responsibility for, preserving its integrity; to certify that its response to this email is a reflection of the original, to spread it to all households to provide for their translation into the languages \u200b\u200bof the world and address any doubts that may arise from your reading. I acknowledge with humility that is a daunting task, but I trust in God, I know I'm not alone and that soon, the more awake Wills lend their valuable support, adding to this task.

In your hands, your heart and your head you have the possibility of this email, to continue its journey or stopping. If after reading it, you conclude that the message is new, but worthy, reliable, able to break a link in the long chain of prejudice and ignorance that grips our Humanity, which aims to reconcile old and continuing clashes between doctors of science and religion, and that humanity needs answers and clues full of love and wisdom, always within the law and order of God, acts accordingly, honoring the full justice and freedom.

And it is the responsibility of all Wills, respect the peace and the time commitment necessary for the Scribe, can be completed successfully, the task now beginning to bear fruit. For this purpose, for any doubt or question, I scored my e

And if this first response, acknowledge the real and true and I know a little, you can visit the Blog:, which little by little, he inserted the trilogy of books mentioned, other work and the responses of Type, as they are born into the light. You will also find translations in the name of the translator.

emphasize the Write Reason, that to explain the inexplicable, not glean new words, but, using normal words, elevating in its category, making them take a new direction, a new dimension, such as care, Reason and Will.

Until the next reply, I say goodbye and leave you to reread and enjoy, this real food for your soul ...

A fraternal hug. And that peace of God be with you.
Alfredo Lopez Cruz.


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