to responsibly evaluate all possible solutions to the Cuban problem conclude that the changes, preferably, should start from "within", from the existing state structure-or better and be more clear, from the very "lobe front "of the Castro dictatorship entaramado. It inevitably requires that the regime adopted a" new mindset "and to convene a peaceful and orderly, civil society as a whole (the inside and outside) to a Constituent Assembly" open "a Assembly of society, for the preparation of a new constitution that once approved by referendum invite the free and sovereign choice of the new authorities of the Republic of Cuba.
assure that some would be shocked question, Why would have to be the current authorities, starting platform transition to peace in Cuba? ... is that the transition needs of order and tranquility (Geopolitical imperative) to flow smoothly and successfully run, is the stability demanded by our big neighbor, the colossus of the north. If we had a "new mindset" of the current Cuban government finally decided in the interests of that change is reliable, dissolve the repressive organs of State Security, to release unconditionally all prisoners of conscience and the Communist Party Cuba to abandon definitively the role of "governing body of society" and finally divorce state, the stability of the process would be guaranteed by institutions such as the Army, Police, Popular Power and Civil Defense. Regional and supranational authority For example, the Organization of American States (OAS) would then be the appropriate entity to take the initial responsibility of the change process through a Cuban Trust (what a name!) national consultation. A trust, either hemispheric or under the flag of the United Nations (UN) would allow a more or less short period will create the foundations of the new Cuban government and strengthen critical institutions such as the Army, Police and Power court, to be transformed into instruments of the emerging modern state, guaranteeing stability and continuity in a democratic society. In the case of transition English, to set a good example, the creation of the Civil Police, the entity that guarantees the internal order as an alternative to the once dreaded Guardia Civil Franco, has resulted in a very modern and efficient state apparatus, while discreetly proceeded to dismantle gradual fierce repressive apparatus that were once the "Picolet." Although this may seem to some crazy idea, be this via more in line with the reality of our society and environment. A scheme to "depoliticize" the creation and construction of a new state is more consistent with widespread political apathy, the country's economic interests and even with the tension and animosity of groups radical at each end of the political spectrum. This is the great challenge.
can not ever ignored the political debate parties or civic organizations in a free society but in the Cuban case, it would be healthy for this reason in a strictly independent of the process of building the new state and its own resources. That is, could become "sacred cows" of the various political tendencies, even with all the money in the world, carrying his message from one end to another of the island, if you wish, but not on the basis of nominations of political leaders or models but proposals ahead of a new state schema economic and social development and commitment to national or local projects to be subjected to scrutiny and debate on the basis of society itself. And forever remain behind the era of total prerogative superlíderes with the resources and decisions that affect an entire nation. Conceive only viable in Cuba "is my humble opinion, the formation of a new state structure from civil society. A state "with all and for the good of all" as José Martí dreamed necessarily have to be "apolitical" and impartial vehicle carrying the consensus of an entire people.
How to erect a State from civil society? It seems the big question but although Ironically I think the electoral system currently in place in the island, perhaps retouched, which is the platform best suited to the interests of our people and country. The People's euphemistically called a success would have been public participation had not been systematically manipulated and rigged by the Communist Party and FC since its inception. That institution would be the enabling environment from which comes a Constituent Assembly, field lively debate during this process and subsequently where the new emerging managers Cuban homeland. In the information age, with the technological advances available today, the process of agreeing on the criteria of a society whole may be less complicated than we imagine.
The new Cuban government will necessarily be "technocratic" administrative apparatus independent of political parties and it is held exclusively by the mechanisms of citizen participation from the very foundation of society, which will ultimately, who will hold the reins of the new state. Was this
, ideal scenario, a brief outline armed cities, including vision, a kind of journey into the future, journey that we must dispense with considerations such as "save the revolution" or "restore capitalism" in the interest of our future and new generations. It has become very difficult to imagine other routes from the perspective of a peaceful transition and oredenada. Everything depends on the authorities of Cuba.
Good luck to everyone!
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